April 15th, 2013

[info]joharvelle in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone play Evil!Sam against her or Dean? I have a couple ideas in mind but thought I'd ask since not a lot of fans were into her character.

[info]greeneb in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Daryl or Merle for Beth. I'm open to anything really.

[info]born_anew in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for an HP Cross Generation/Time travel line. I have always loved time travel games and games where the characters were in the afterlife of some sort. I once long ago had a game where my Helga Hufflepuff struck up a very interesting friendship with Tom Riddle/Voldemort. I would love to explore that more if anyone is interested. I think it would be fun if a group of witches and wizards were displaced back to the founder's time

Ask me about any other odd pairs, I love crack pairs.

I would also love to find someone that would play out this idea with me.

Only looking for something in Gdocs at the moment and no games just PSLs. Though I could get talked into journals.

[info]hidethedecay in [info]fandom_psls

Marauders Stuff

So, I have a couple strange ideas that I'm kind of itching to play if anyone is interested.

Sirius/Harry with the idea that Sirius was in love with James and mistakes his feelings for him as love for Harry. I have two ways this can go--both using varying degrees of mental instability on Sirius' part. I'd rather play Sirius, so I'd be looking for a solid Harry.

Tonks/Remus with a twist. I've never thought the pairing made sense so I've come up with a kind of fucked up plot for how it could've happened. It deals with Tonks being kind of crazy and manipulative and forcing Remus into a relationship with her by using his guilt and sadness against him. She's obsessed with him and even goes so far as to use her ability to change form to manipulate him. I'd be willing to play either.

I'm also just a big James/Sirius fan, so if anyone would be interested in that I'd love you forever. I also wouldn't mind a good James/Severus as it's been a really long time since I've done it. But really, I slash everyone from that era and so if you're looking for something more standard, like Sirius/Remus or whatever, I'll do anything.

Outside the realm of HP, I'm also itching for some Kili/Fili or Kili/Thorin. I haven't RPed them before, so I'd be looking for someone who would be willing to help get me started! I've also never met anyone who would be willing to satisfy my Squall/Irvine twitch, so that would be very welcome as well.

So if I haven't lost you in that random wall of rabble, I only really like to RP over AIM, but I'd be willing to give googledocs a try if someone was really insistent. I'm a very loyal partner and consistent partner and I'd like someone that isn't likely to just flake. If you are still interested, please pop me a message either here or on AIM: HideTheDecay. I live on AIM, so chances are I'll be on!

[info]anniecsawyer in [info]fandom_psls

[info]oakdell I just joined this multi-fandom gpsl and it would be lovely if we could get a George and Nina to come around or any other Being Human (UK) characters that haven't been taken.

[info]liquidsoul in [info]fandom_psls

Hello there boys and girls! :D I find myself in need of lines! Feel free to have a look at my journal and shoot some ideas at me!

Feel free to comment here or in the journal or send me a PM!

[info]thisgirlslife in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone play Shane from The Walking Dead and want to write against Beth or possibly Judith for more AU?

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]fandom_psls

Any multi fandoms need or want a Violet Baudelaire from the Lemony Snicket novels?

Also curious to see if anyone plays Q circa Skyfall and would be open to a PSL?

May 2024



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