February 14th, 2013

[info]ladymacgyver in [info]fandom_psls


Seeking Klaus Baudelaire and Q from the James Bond films circa Skyfall (this has a line idea attached).


Also seeking Klaus Baudelaire (am more than willing to talk out the family history post them escaping Count Olaf! Sunny can be an NPC due to her age) since Violet needs her brother around.

[info]isaaclhy in [info]fandom_psls

Urgently seeking Allison Argent! We are a tight-knit Teen Wolf GPSL ([info]teenwolfmod) with a nearly full cast and a lot of us would love to see Allison. Melissa McCall and a fucking amazing Dr. Deaton would be much loved, too. Come plot with us - we don't bite too much.

[info]darkside in [info]fandom_psls

So it's Valentines day. I want some uncomplicated fluff. I want romance. I want happy. I've been drowning in drama lately.  Het and slash. Fandom, PB and celeb. I don't have any specific ideas in mind yet but I'd love to brainstorm.Please: DO make some of the moves. It's not fun for me if my character is making all of the moves.DO converse over AIM or emails. I do prefer threading for scenes but my phone and its mobile browser don't always get along so for chatter AIM or email are best.DO be over 18. I both scene out sexy times and fade to black but I have to warn you that my muses are very comfortable with their sexuality and suppressing it is not fun.DO  be around during this time of the day. I realize that this is the hardest of my wishes to grant but I work full time and can't be a night owl anymore so daytime interaction and playing are best for me. 

I love:Teen Wolf, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Pretty Little Liars, Switched At Birth, TSC, BTVS, Veronica Mars, NCIS, SMASH, Once Upon A Time, TSCC, Battlestar Galactica, ..Too many to list really. Not just the fandoms but the actors. Have questions? Ask and/or leave me a way to reach you. If you're looking for drama, please look for it elsewhere.

[info]tnystrk in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Loki

May 2024



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