January 30th, 2013

[info]seeknormal in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for some fandom lines. Harry Potter, Shameless, Twilight, Teen Wolf, Chronicle, Luther, Sherlock Holmes, Community, Silent Hill, Firefly, Chronicles of Narnia, Buffy, etc. Hit me up here for more information and with questions!

[info]whatson in [info]fandom_psls

Kind of really want a Sherlock (BBC or otherwise) line. I play John, Sherlock, Moriarty and Lestrade (BBC). Looking for John/Lestrade (BBC), John/Moriarty, Sherlock/John. Preferably. Can always figure out something else, too!

Would KILL! for a Less Than Zero/Imperial Bedrooms line, though. Seriously. Kill. Name the person you want dead if you pick up this line.

Other storylines are here.

[info]littleladyloki in [info]fandom_psls

The Hobbit and BBC Sherlock

Today my search is for a Thilbo and a Johnlock rp. ;) Looking for a Sherlock to my John and a Thorin to my Bilbo. What can I say? Martin Freeman is my Spirit animal. Over email please.

I have little to no limits, the only thing I'm really firm about is no completely one liner rps. Please at least give me a one or two paragraph reply. I understand moments when you can't think of anything, I'm fine with a one liner once in a while, but please please, not all the time.

I have a few vague ideas for plot, message me if you're interested!

[info]standconfounded in [info]fandom_psls


Dear Severus Snape, you are desperately wanted at [info]seventhyearmods by so many people. You're about to graduate from Hogwarts, and that git James Potter has just swept the lovely miss Lily Evans off her feet. Someone needs to be around to make snide remarks, brood about it, and possibly accidentally send the Dark Lord after them and their future unborn baby.

On another note, we'd LOVE to see some more Hufflepuff & Ravenclaw students, as well as more older Death Eater's and Order members. Professional Quidditch players would also be love.

[info]we_are_legion_ in [info]fandom_psls

Is there any small group PSLs that need a Captain America?

[info]bestfriend in [info]fandom_psls

So I have an itch. Any chance of finding a BBC Sherlock Jim/Sherlock line? Threading only, please.

I've some more fandoms and things in the journal if that pairing's not your cup of tea!

May 2024



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