December 31st, 2012

[info]adlerirene in [info]fandom_psls

Looking to play my AU Irene Adler against a Sherlock Holmes from either Elementary or Sherlock. I want to keep the dominatrix/call girl idea from Sherlock but everything else is up for alteration. Only looking for threading lines, so please don't ask about AIM.

[info]thelittlest in [info]fandom_psls

Some sort of AU!childhood one shots or longer term lines with a Fili (or Thorin for that matter) for my Kili or a Merry for my Pippin?

[info]urquart in [info]fandom_psls

With a new year, I'd like to try out some new things! I am looking for a very specific line either via PSL or at a Game (like a multiera one even) - Minerva McGonagall and Elphinstone Urquart (mentioned in Pottermore). Any point in their lives works for me, but I'd like to explore their relationship and friendship; deviating from the 'canon' is fine to me. I'm looking to play Urquart and need a Minerva.

[info]takeahint in [info]fandom_psls

I would love a Ten to my River Song. Maybe we can do a retelling of the end of series four onward where the Doctor properly saves her too? I'm flexible on ideas. I just want to write those two having adventures together.

[info]sunshinebarbie in [info]fandom_psls

More Gossip Girl muses over at [info]zombiesmod? We do have a Gossip Girl writer there already who posts public blasts about everyone in the game so a Dan counterpart would be interesting. Blair and Chuck are especially wanted as Nate and Serena are about to get married. Georgina and Jack Bass? How did I not see this power couple coming before the finale? They are perfection. I might even be convinced to play Jack for the right Georgina. Eric van der Woodsen? Little J? Ivy Dickens? Lola? How about a Vanessa or a Carter or a Poppy Lifton to shake things up? Even a Diana Payne would be fun.

[info]prinfiggins in [info]fandom_psls

WMHIGH is a Glee, group psl desperately searching for: Brody Weston, Joe Hart, Dottie Kazatori, Wade "Unique" Adams, Warbler Hunter Clarington, Artie Abrams, Mike Chang, Mercedes Jones, The other Warblers: Thad, Flint & Wes. Also wanted: Adam, Eli, Dave Karofsky and teachers/staff: Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Shelby, Bieste, Sue Sylvester, Isabelle Wright, Cassandra July and more!

We also accept original characters!

[info]gcooper in [info]fandom_psls


Captain Jack and Rhys Willams (this Gwen is post Children of Earth) please? Also seekng any other British fandoms.

[info]filioakenshield in [info]fandom_psls

A Kili or a Thorin for my Fili? long-term slash line please :)

May 2024



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