December 26th, 2012

[info]yndigot in [info]fandom_psls

Hobbits? Especially Merry and Pippin?

Back when people were writing a lot of LotR fanfiction (back when the movies were still new), I was really in to a certain kind of fic -- the sort where the tone was quite similar to the movies (less formal than an actual Tolkien book, more likely to have naughty jokes here and there). The fics focused on the Shire, usually Merry and/or Pippin after the books end, and dealt with their romances and Shire politics, the expectations of the Master and the Thain of their sons, and topics like arranged marriages, affairs with lasses more of Sam's social class than their own, and occasionally even babes born on the wrong side of the blanket (so not necessarily Tolkien-ideal chaste romances before marriage).

I've had a lot of trouble tracking a lot the old fics of this style, which has made me crave some role play along those lines. (Although if you're looking for a fic that typifies what I think I'd like, I can point you in the right direction to see if it's something you'd be interested in.)

I tried to find this sort of line about a year ago and they all petered out, either because the other person flaked or because I eventually had to drop due to other commitments, but I have more time now and would like to try again (hoping the new movie has renewed a bit of interest in Tolkien fandom even if the characters I'm interested in don't appear). If I dropped our line last time around, many apologies and feel free to kick me (but it could be fun to give it another go).

I've got lots of ideas. I'd tend toward playing Pippin as my primary character, but I'd like to share the duties of writing a large cast, and I'd happily play a romantic counter to Merry (Estella or an OC) in exchange for a romance for Pippin. Email would be my first choice, but I'd also be willing to learn how to use gdocs or google drive or whatever it's called these days. (I'm familiar with how it works, just not in an RP context.) Willingness to look things up in the appendices and other Tolkien writings (or use the internet to look things up) is a must, but slavish adherence to canon is not, and mixing book and movie canon is also not a problem, but I want to play against someone with some knowledge of book canon, not just a movie fan.

TL;DR -- Merry and Pippin? No slash, post-War Shire fic, Shire politics and romances with hobbit lasses, I'll play a lass for your Merry if you'll play a lass for my Pippin, email or gdocs preferred (but I might be convinced to thread).

[info]storybooksavior in [info]fandom_psls

Is anyone interested in a PSL with Emma? I would especially love an August or a Hook, but I'd be interested in exploring other het. ships (even crossovers).

Smut isn't a requirement, but I'm game for it if you are.

[info]damagedqueen in [info]fandom_psls

I would love to pick up a couple Once Upon a Time psls for Regina. Het or femme, I don't mind either, but I prefer using journals for scening!

[info]blazzze in [info]fandom_psls

Long shot, but lines for Garak from Star Trek Deep Space 9? I would kill for a Julian Bashir, but I'm also totally willing to play him against an OC or any other sci-fi character (I'm sure we could find a way to make crossovers work).

So - anyone interested in psl with a Cardassian spy tailor?

[info]phale in [info]fandom_psls

my kingdom for a psl against chris argent. there's got to be someone out there.

[info]coreyevan in [info]fandom_psls

Crossover psl wanted

Would anyone be interested in doing a Vampire Diaries/X-Men psl? I write Rogue (comic/cartoon verse) and a few OFCs that are mutants that I think would go really well with Damon or Niklaus. I wouldn't mind a Stefan either if that's who you play :)

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