December 20th, 2012

[info]vilebodies in [info]fandom_psls

I posted for this some time back, but now that life has calmed down, I'd love to try it again. Would anyone like a crossover between White Collar, Inception, and Suits? If three is too much, I'd gladly take two. I have a variety of ideas, so let me know!

[info]1103 in [info]fandom_psls

anyone up for some gossip girl slash? i'm open to all pairings :)

[info]sharpshooting in [info]fandom_psls

There are lots of characters wanted still at [info]zombiesmod. We're one of the most active panfandom games you'll find on IJ and we love new people.

Some specific characters wanted right now are Blair and Chuck Bass. Serena and Nate are getting married soon and they need their best friends there to be maid of honor and best man.
John Watson from Sherlock BBC to join the rest of his castmates, there are now two bad guys from the show and only one Sherlock.
Leonard from the Big Bang Theory to help Sheldon assimilate and to hang out with Penny.
Xander Harris. The rest of the scoobies are holed up in the prison and need their Xander. Dawn and Giles especially need a fellow Angel hater around.
Logan Cale from Dark Angel to join Max at the prison and Zack to watch out for his fellow X5s.
Joe Stubeck from Death Valley to join your partner Billy in zombie killing and to scold Billy when he gets out of line which let's face it is always.
Derek Shepherd and Owen Hunt from Grey's Anatomy. I'm sure Meredith and Cristina would love to see you.
Hanna Marin and Aria Montgomery to join Emily and Spencer on their hunt for Gossip Girl. Okay, it's mostly Spencer hunting but still we need all the pretty little liars.
Faye Chamberlain and Jake Armstrong from The Secret Circle to complete the circle.
Boyd and Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf. Right now there is a baby who was just born named after Boyd so it'd be awesome if he could make an appearance.
Jason Stackhouse and Bill Compton from True Blood. Sookie and Jessica are awaiting your arrival.
Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead. Your brother Daryl is looking for you.
Lorne from Angel. There's no big storyline waiting for you but who doesn't love an empath demon who can bring karaoke to an apocalypse?

There are also tons of other characters wanted if you want to check out our wanted page!

May 2024



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