November 30th, 2012

[info]crevan in [info]fandom_psls

Long shot here, but I'm looking for an Inuyasha rp
I'm open to playing an OC, Sesshomaru, possibly Koga, mayyyybe Inuyasha, and I think I could try to pull off a respectable Miroku.
The pairing I'm mostly looking for is Sesshomaru/Miroku, BUT!
I haven't watched the show in like forever, so hit me up with most any slash pairing [including OCs!] and I'll probably try them. Bonus points to anyone who wants to involve a smaller version of Sesshomaru's canine form and/or a bottom!Sesshomaru~ xD
Again, only looking for slash, depending on any ideas for a plot you might have, I might be persuaded into a Sesshomaru/Kagome line.
Up for an AU or post-series, or during the series, since the time line was far from stable. [Or even next-gen of sorts :3]
Looking for at least a few sentences, a paragraph or more :3 Third person past tense preferred but can be discussed.

Hit me up here, on AIM, or Email
AIM; terrorue

Comments screened~

[info]sdamon in [info]fandom_psls

i'm looking for a thread based vampire diaries psl against damon here. i have a few ideas in mind for any interested

[info]fandom_rp in [info]fandom_psls

Rave Master, Fairy Tail

I'm looking for people who are interested in playing either Rave Master or Fairy Tail, by Hiro Mashima.

I prefer to play females in M/F relationships, but I'm open to playing males as long as there is at least one M/F relationship (with me as F).

I can do any character from either series, as I read them both recently. Looking to play against Gray or Gajeel from Fairy Tail, and Musica or Shuda from Rave Master. However, I'm open to other suggestions!

[info]youmove in [info]fandom_psls

Thor, where are you? My Cap is comicverse (profile here), but if you're not familiar with the comics, that's totally fine. Our Natasha, Clint, Tony, Bruce, and Darcy are all movieverse, in addition to our comic-based Ms. Marvel, Sharon Carter, and Scarlet Witch. I think it's pretty interesting to play comic!Avengers opposite movie!Avengers. In one world, they've known each forever, but in the other, they've only just met. Some of them also have very different relationships/elaborate histories, which creates some conflict/confusion. Case in point: from the point in comic canon from which Steve was plucked, Thor is dead, so he'd get a pretty giant hug if he turned up.

I'd also love to see: Falcon(!!!), Daredevil, Wasp, Spider-Woman, Wolverine, Mockingbird, and any other Avenger/ally!

Other X-Men characters would be great too (especially Magneto and Emma Frost). We already have a comicverse Rogue, Kitty Pryde, and Pete Wisdom. I'd personally prefer comic X-Men for the character link, since there's no connection between the X-Men films and the Avengers films.

The game could also use more villains! Marvel-wise: Viper, Enchantress, Doctor Doom, Elektra, any of the Hellfire Club, Mystique, and Venom.

Don't be intimidated by the detail of the premise! It's extremely welcoming, the learning curve is easy, and the activity requirements are very relaxed.

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