November 28th, 2012

[info]mitchelljohn in [info]fandom_psls

Psl against John Mitchell from Being Human (UK) anyone? I'm looking for female O.C's or B.H. fandom :)

[info]stbarnes in [info]fandom_psls

sorry wrong account there!

Just out of piquing interest, does anyone play Rebekah from the Vampire Diaries? If so, would anyone play her against an Sebastian Stan OC? I have an idea or two in mind but I'm not against brainstorming either! Just comment if you're interested and please know this will be done through threading, so there's your heads up.

[info]finales_funkeln in [info]fandom_psls

Probably a niche audience, but I’d love a League of Legends line for my Lux. Preferably a Garen, serving up some Jaime/Cersei Lannister realness, but I’m also open to Jarvan, Jayce, Ezreal, or Darius (the scandal!) I don’t really have any preference for PBs, and I can do threads, AIM, Skype, GDocs, etc. I’m also the active Lux in the League Twitter community, which is a fun and casual playstyle.

Other League champions I love to play:

♥ F: Diana, Evelynn, Fiora, Leblanc, Miss Fortune, Shyvana, Soraka, Vayne

♥ M: (slash only) Ezreal, Twisted Fate, Vladimir

You can reach me here, on AIM (thedrowsychap), or on Skype (sashay.away)! Thank you!

[info]mirandatate in [info]fandom_psls

A Bane for my Miranda (both from Nolan-verse)? Since I'm not sure if it would still be considered spoilery, I'll stick the line ideas under here. )

I have no AIM and I don't give out my email, so everything would have to be done through journals. I will consider other options for my lady here (a Harvey Dent could be a hell of a lot of fun to figure out something for) so toss some ideas at me!

[info]swirl in [info]fandom_psls

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i've recently finished the books, and i'm absolutely dying for a the hunger games roleplay. the catch (because there'ss always a catch) is that i'm not interested in too many pairings from this series right now. in fact, there's only one that i'm truly aching for, and that's peeta mellark/gale hawthorne. i might be willing to try castor/pollux or finnick/peeta if you're interested in either one of those, though.

[info]jacksonwhit in [info]fandom_psls

I'd be interested in picking up a few Teen Wolf lines. Especially interested in writing Jackson in an AU where he is still the kanima and/ or opposite the following characters: Matt, Allison, Isaac, Danny. Open to others too if you have a good idea for them.

May 2024



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