November 24th, 2012

[info]redridinghood in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators! Once Upon a Time characters (David/Charming, Jefferson/Hatter, Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin, Archie/Jiminy Cricket, Belle, Hook, Aurora, Lancelot, Mulan, etc), Avengers (Thor, Falcon, Wasp, Spider-woman, Mockingbird, especially), Hunger Games characters from districts other than Twelve (Johanna Mason, where are you?), anyone not taken! Villains and villainous types as well, because there are far too many good guys.

[info]playtragic in [info]fandom_psls

looking for a wide variety of storylines from a bunch of different fandoms, and would also be willing to pick up original characters in most of them! also willing to gender swap for slash or femme versions of these pairings or do cross-fandom.

specific pairings:
a dean for my castiel or jo
a chuck, dan or serena for my blair
a charming for my snow or belle
also sort of weird but i'd love to play sam against charlie from perks of being a wallflower.

fandoms: supernatural, the walking dead, harry potter, once upon a time, true blood, buffy the vampire slayer, queer as folk, gossip girl, glee, twilight, dollhouse, x-men, law and order, south of nowhere, instant star, degrassi, avengers.

[info]hotelhell in [info]fandom_psls

hotelhell )

[info]puck_noah in [info]fandom_psls

Friends and Bandmates Wanted!

Looking for LA-based guy/girl/gay/straight friends (OCs with The Glee Project PBs). One of the things that Puck wants to do in his new city is form a band, but he doesn't have any good friends yet.

Puck is also missing the following:

1. Santana - Dude needs his female bestie.

2. Mercedes - Dude also needs his roommate. The apartment is in her name and he's currently camping out on her couch.

3. Artie, Joe, and Unique - Artie for talking about rock music with, Joe for discussing religious philosophy, and Unique to give him fashion advice. (Kurt has given up.)

4. Brody and Kitty - Apart from needing friends, dude also needs some enemies :-p

This is for [info]wmhigh, a journal-/AIM-based Glee group PSL. We're an active, almost-year-old pseudo-canon game, meaning writers consider canon backgrounds and story arcs, but have the flexibility to explore their characters more deeply than might be revealed in the show. Apart from scenes, there are writing challenges and weekly discussions to keep players engaged.

If interested, please look here to find out more about the game, ask questions, or drop off your application. (Other characters are also up for grabs!) You can also join [info]opencalls to discuss character ideas and possible lines with other players before applying.

May 2024



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