November 18th, 2012

[info]locknessbaby in [info]fandom_psls

Longshot but here goes nothing,

I want a highly developed Twilight line. I want something where we actually delve into the characters and dig deep. I don't want standard pairings AT ALL. I want to try and play in the world that Stephanie Meyer started to create and bring MORE depth to it ourselves. The ONLY cannons I am willing to play is Nessie with Jake, and Kate with Garrett. However, my Nessie has a brain and a will of her own. The imprint did not make her a simpering wallflower that is dependent on Jake. I rant a little here but I want to give a very clear idea of what I am asking for. If anyone is still reading, supreme internet cookies are yours.

Characters I would LOVE to play against: Carlisle,Jasper, Garrett, Benjamin, Vladimir, Aro, Caius, Marcus, Fred, Riley, Alistair and OC's if they are well developed.

Characters I would enjoy playing: Bella(very selective about Bella) Renesmee, Bree, Tanya, Alice, Leah (A tweaked version), Kate, Zafrina, Maggie and a few well developed OCs

Please, I am almost at the groveling point here. I want to redeem this fandom in a way that it deserves. It CAN be great, it's got all the tools. I just need someone who wants it as much as I do right now.

[info]ex_savioremm573 in [info]fandom_psls

[info]fairybrooke Henry Mills, Prince Charming/David Nolan, Mulan, Hook, Aurora, Mr. Gold, and everyone else from Once Upon A Time! Some more holds would make my day.

[info]carolinefrbes in [info]fandom_psls

This seems to be a long shot but how about a Klaus for my Caroline? Only looking for journal based lines right now.

[info]happyfew in [info]fandom_psls

Check it

[info]godswarrior in [info]fandom_psls

Dean for my Castiel?

[info]bryndis in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a well written Daryl Dixon for a het or slash line! Could be set anywhere in the timeline of either the show or the comic, but knowledge of the latter isn't at all necessary.

May 2024



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