November 16th, 2012

[info]ifuwantitigotit in [info]fandom_psls

After going to see Breaking Dawn part 2 tonight, I started wanting to try another Jacob/Renesmee line. I can play either character, threading or email, would love long term.

[info]veneerofbravado in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone play from Sanctuary?

If so please poke me in the contact post in the journal.

[info]dash_dingo in [info]fandom_psls

Ritchie Sherlockverse

I'm trying this one last time before I rely on Plan Z.

A longshot: is anyone still in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes fandom?

My Dr. Watson muse is without his compadre, Sherlock.

This is a slash SL, but I want plot with the smut. A slow build-up is the deal, here: neither man will be spontaneously snoggin' the other, one evening after one-too-many drinks.

I'm looking to write with another adult who's in my age group; early 20s +. I think of RP as collaborative storytelling; exploring characters' mindsets, what makes them tick; analyizing, and all the other good stuff! Multiple paragraphs, prose, ridiculously long tags & profiles. Bring your own plots and agendas to the story; no rehashing he said, she said. No wall-flower/statue/china-doll syndrome depictions, please and thank you.

Sherlock's player needs to be happy and willing to do a bit of research. I have done my share of research into the 1800s; social etiquette, social classes, medical practices/beliefs/public and private hospitals, private physicians; technology; fashion and so forth. A huge bonus if my new partner has read- or is willing to read the original literature!

I've incorporated a bit of the canon!Sherlock and Watson to my initial SL, and I'd like to try it again. There's tons of available texts on the 'net, so there's no problem finding them. I'm all for artistic license and bending the rules in some historical areas: Ritchie's verse is by no means a 100% true-to-the-period depiction. It'd be awesome if my partner is experienced with historical RPs. I like realism in all its forms: characters can make a stupid decision or lose an argument, for instance.

Notably, I do not want to write against femboys. These are blokes. Watson's not a blushing virgin. Sherlock's a coke addict. There is no mermaid magic here!There's domestics; them bickering over the opera, the rent, Gladstone, cases. Watson's torn between Sherlock and Mary. There's bound to be some angst, but not the pity-party soapbox kind! Watson isn't going to /wrists, or anything of the sort.

No genderbenders, no genderswap, no mpreg; no high-school AUs, werewolf/vampire parallel dimensions or stuck-on-a-desert-island plots.

My Watson journal is [info]at_all_costs , complete with profile. An RP sample or two is available on request; I'd like to do the same with my new partner(s). I'm recycling my original asylum, [info]thickas_thieves .

I prefer to be contacted and plotted with via journal threads. If you're going to do a runner at any point, move onto another sandbox, thanks!

[info]goldenbelle in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for more Once Upon a Time characters over at [info]marotte! Plenty still open, and would love to see a Dr. Whale, Grumpy, Archie, Granny and so many others!

[info]fairybrooke in [info]fandom_psls

A new Once Upon a Time game )

[info]fruitys in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a few fandom lines!

Harry Potter: Pansy Parkinson - I'd love to play her against Draco in a dramatic and angsty Post-Warts line.
Silent Hill: Heather Mason - I'll play her against any other SH character including Pyramid Head in something twisted and dark (if anyone would touch that, lol), but I'd also love a crossover as well, especially with someone from the Supernatural fandom.
Resident Evil: Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine - Looking for Claire/Leon, Claire/Steve, and Jill/Wesker
Haven: I don't play any canon characters but I'd love to play an OC against Duke.
Supernatural: While I could play Jo Harvelle against pretty much anyone, I'd actually like to play an OC against Sam, Dean, Castiel, or even Lucifer and make up a whole new storyline with one of them.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: For years I've had a backstory made up for an OC to play against Spike, so if anyone would be interested in hearing it, let me know.
The Walking Dead: I would literally kill to play an OC against Daryl, Rick, or Shane.
Final Fantasy: Seifer Almasy, Rikku - I'd play Seifer against Rinoa, but actually I would love to play him against an OC for a nice change of pace. For Rikku I'd love to find someone to play Tidus against her.
Twilight: I'll be honest, I know next to nothing about the series since I only ever read the first book/saw the first movie, but I'd love to play an OC against Edward that is pretty much the exact opposite of Bella in every way.

[info]slaughtermouse in [info]fandom_psls

This is probably a longshot, buuuut...

I'd love to find two writers for a threesome line between Steve Rogers (Captain America)/Tony Stark (Iron Man)/Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier). I think there's a lot to work with there with Steve being the obvious link between them; the love of his past could be Bucky, colliding with the love of his future with Tony, and when it turns out his past isn't dead and buried things can get complicated. But they, somehow, find a way to make it work.

I'm definitely pretty reliant on comicverse (especially since Bucky gets all of ten minutes of screentime in the Cap movie, so there's not much there) but I think that there can be a good balance of movieverse and comicverse! Plenty of drama, action, smut, angst, with those moments of love strewn in between.

I'd love to play Bucky but could easily write Steve as well. Really I'd just love to find a way to make this line work, so whatever we can work out!

Also, goes without saying that I'd be up to write any combination of the three as well; Steve/Tony, Steve/Bucky, even Tony/Bucky if it's done right, so if you're looking for any of those that's okay too!

[info]_battlelines_ in [info]fandom_psls

Any Twilight comms or active players? I've played every character but Jasper and Edward are my specialties. Please PM me if interested.

[info]king_hellfire in [info]fandom_psls

Hellfire Club/X-Men PSLs

Who doesn't love a secret society of powerful, rich people scheming to rule the world from the shadows? Or superhuman mutants, generally?

If you're interested in an X-Men line generally, or a Hellfire Club one specifically, respond and I'm sure we can work something out. I'm cool with RPing over either AIM or journals, though I like instant messaging for plotting/discussion at the very least. I'm open to playing a good variety of X-Men characters and different settings. Open to het and femme shipping, as well as, of course, non-shipping lines.

[info]blackjake in [info]fandom_psls

Twilight lines? I prefer Jasper/Alice these days but will still write out Emmett/Rose or Jake/Ness. I am pickier with that one because so many Ness portrayals make me want to gouge my eyes out with a spork.

[info]samkillsdemons in [info]fandom_psls

Okay I will bake cookies for whoever responds to this post. I know I've been posting a lot and I apologize I am just looking for something very specific right now. Cookies go to the person who either plays ripper!Stefan or Katherine Pierce. I want them active for a Sam line I had in mind.

Other cross overs are welcome to but those two characters I really want.

May 2024



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