November 8th, 2012

[info]skulker in [info]fandom_psls

Excuse the blankness of this journal. I'm interested in trying out Derek Hale against a Stiles Stilinski, wide open to canon or AU. I have a few ideas (especially for AU lines), but nothing that's very specific or really jumping out at me. Threading only, please.

Also willing to try genderswap for either or both of these characters, particularly girl!Derek/girl!Stiles, but that's not a requirement!

[info]ex_bennetc19 in [info]fandom_psls

sylar for a thread based psl? i have a different starting points for anyone interested to brainstorm!

[info]doctr in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love to see more Doctor Who characters at [info]thegladiators. Companions, the Master, other regenerations of the Doctor -- anyone you can think of! If there's a character from the show (old or new Who!) you've always wanted to play, I think this is a great place to do it.

Some specific requests:

Eleven: I'd really love to see any and all of the other regenerations, but I think it would be fun for Ten to meet his future self. He's already heard a little bit about Eleven from Amy, but I think it would be fun for the two of them to actually meet, interact, and team up to drive everyone else mad. And also to find a way out of the island they're trapped on. Amy and Rory are already in game, so that should also be incentive.

Idris: The Doctor has no truer love than the TARDIS. It would be a lot of fun to see how Ten would react to meeting a human containing the soul of the TARDIS. Since the premise of the game involves aliens intent on keeping everyone alive for entertainment in arenas, they would keep the Time Vortex from burning her up. I'm not necessarily looking for anything romantic here, but it'd be really interesting to see how awkward and flirty Ten would get.

The other Nine regenerations: I'm really, really intrigued by multi-Doctor scenarios, so I'd absolutely love to see any and all of the other regenerations of the Doctor and that really, honestly does include all the "old Who" Doctors as well. They all have such different and occasionally clashing personalities, it'd just be a lot of fun.

There are so many others I'd love to see too including Jackson Lake, Reinette, Jenny (the Doctor's daughter), and all the other companions including (but not limited to) Rose, Martha, Donna, Jack, Mickey, Sarah Jane, etc. And I'd like to see the Master! The game in general needs more villainous types.

[info]chantillylace in [info]fandom_psls

check the journal, please! would love to play against some of the men listed in the fandom section, but i'm open to playing against pbs as well. the dirtier and darker, the better :)

[info]walshs in [info]fandom_psls

I'm craving something whimsical and macabre... and also a few something(s) that aren't.

[info]swansavior in [info]fandom_psls

throw something, anything at me. i'm pretty sure i'll bite!

mostly interested in either a regina, hook, or august. neal and mr. gold are of interest too. perhaps even ruby!

[info]ithus in [info]fandom_psls

anyone up for a star wars psl? something during the expanded universe books or just loosely based in that particular era? i have some ideas, and i'm looking to play an original character (or two) against an original female jedi or jaina solo.

[info]mirandatate in [info]fandom_psls

A Bane for my Miranda, perhaps? I do have a couple of ideas in mind line-wise, but everything is open to discussion.

Only looking for private threading lines at the moment (no AIM or games, please)

[info]shatter in [info]fandom_psls

[info]upnext looking for someone to pick up the older offspring of Colossus/Shadowcat for a very close sibling line. Can be male or female, preferably a powerset based on Kitty's. Long-term, third-person storybooking. Lots of plot to be offered and we can talk more about the details I have in mind for the line.

[info]bleedin in [info]fandom_psls

Are you tired of celebrity vampire werewolves in interchangeable modern day cities with cell phones strapped to the sides of their heads? Do you want to feel the mud between your toes and the grip of an incredibly tacky sword in your hand? Do you want to create a world that's a lot more exciting than the one you're sitting in now? Then check my journal! ...Please?

Also interested in a specific ASoIaF line and a much vaguer Dark Souls line.

[info]dyna in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in a game/gpsl/psl based on VFD? Maybe before the schism?

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