October 27th, 2012

[info]youmove in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators From any canon, including movie-verse: Thor and Bruce Banner. My Cap is post-Fear Itself (unnecessarily long profile here), but if you're not familiar with the comics, that's totally fine, since it would all be news to your character anyway. In fact, I think it's pretty interesting to play comic!Cap against the movieverse!Avengers, because in his world, they've known each forever, but in their world, they've only just met. Some of them also have very different relationships/elaborate histories, which creates some conflict/confusion.

I'd also especially love to see: Sharon Carter, Peter Parker (any canon), Falcon, Daredevil, Namor, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine.

Other X-Men characters would be great too (especially Magneto and Emma Frost). I'd personally prefer comic X-Men for the character link, since there's no connection between the X-Men films and the Avengers films.

The game could also use more villains! Marvel-wise: Viper, Enchantress, Doctor Doom, Elektra, any of the Hellfire Club, Mystique, and Venom.

[info]khoshekh in [info]fandom_psls

I am looking for three things:

1.) An HP line where I can play Pansy Parkinson.

2.) An original take on the Sherlock Holmes stories. I would like to play (or play against) Holmes or Watson, or even one of the side characters like Irene Adler (in fact, I would LOVE to play Irene) or a detective. As long as one of the two main characters are in there somewhere, there are mysteries, and we're doing our own thing, I'll be happy. Genderswap? Fine! Set in Victorian, modern times, or the future? Fine! Adding some kind of supernatural/spooky twist? Fine! I mostly want to do something with the characters that isn't BBC Sherlock (nothing against it, just want something different!).

3.) Not much of a chance, I know, but I just rewatched Labyrinth and if anyone still plays Jareth, I have a Sarah that I'd like to pull back out and dust off.

Let me know if you're interested in anything, and I'd be happy to set up a custom for plotting. :)

[info]lordofmisrule in [info]fandom_psls

Heeey, got a mostly Nolanized Joker looking for someone to play with. Look at this face, what's not to like?

[info]darlinglilwendy in [info]fandom_psls

Once Upon A Time gpsl!

[info]marotte Michael Darling, Tiger Lilly, August, Prince Phillip (for Aurora and Mulan) Goldie Locks, Little Boy Blue, and so much more! Opens Oct. 31st!

[info]corgidoll in [info]fandom_psls

This is such a longshot, no one is even going to care. xD
I am dying for a World of Warcraft rp with trolls.
Not strictly trolls, but I'd like at least one to be involved. xD Whether it's fluffy, dramatic, dark, just something trolly!
I'd be open to something cross-faction definitely so long as we figure something out before-hand as to how they're going to communicate. In such an instance, I've found the lack of communication can make things die, but that may have just been my partner and I~ xD

I'm looking for mainly slash, but depending on the race of the other party [no matter who's playing it, though my first thought was two male trolls] I could go with het. :3

So feel free to comment here or hit me up on AIM; trollishly

[info]regrettingly in [info]fandom_psls

i am thinking about taking lady amalthea (unicorn) from the the last unicorn over to [info]marotte. i would love to see lir, molly, or schmendric there! other stories need characters, so take a look if you're interested in a once upon a time based psl.

[info]fischerjr in [info]fandom_psls

Probably a longshot, but could I get a possible Inception slash psl for Fischer Jr. here? I'm thinking Eames, or Cobb, or even an OC with the right face/SL idea. There's just too much world-building potential for me not to try!

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