October 25th, 2012

[info]clarholt in [info]fandom_psls

Aidan for my Rebekah - Crossover Being Human (US) with Vampire Diaries
Damon for my Vamp Elena - Affair Line/Vampire Diaries
Dean for my Lisa - Season 7ish Supernatural
Derek or Jackson for my Lydia - Teen Wolf

[info]abq in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for:

The Logan to my Jean.
The Rumple/Mr. Gold to my Belle.

Comment and we'll work something out.

[info]blackbird_ in [info]fandom_psls

Darren Criss - Alex Pettyfer - Jeremy Renner. Het & Slash.

Looking for.

Slash: Darren Criss or Alex Pettyfer to go against my Chris Colfer/ Kurt Hummel. Check out the SLs here!

Het: Jeremy Renner PB to go against my Scarlett Johansson PB. Check out the SL here!

[info]darlinglilwendy in [info]fandom_psls

Once Upon A Time gpsl!

Anyone interested in joining [info]marotte with me? I would love to find a Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, John and Micheal Darling to work out plots with! I'm still working on her bio but I have plenty of ideas to share!

[info]widowkiss in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators Seeking Thor and Banner from any verse. C'mon, it is crucial. We could have an Avengers Assemble moment here. I'm not above begging.

[info]lawrencetopanga in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone remember Boy Meets World? I've been dying to do a Shawn/Topanga line for the longest time, I always thought they belonged together. I want to play them from earlier on in the series, like when they're around 16. Any Shawns out there?

[info]modestwillow in [info]fandom_psls

Would love a Faith, Buffy or Kennedy for Willow. Threading and long term please.

May 2024



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