October 15th, 2012

[info]megmasters in [info]fandom_psls


[info]breathyoutake in [info]fandom_psls


I think I would give just about anything right now for a post-lawsuit HoMin or JaeMin line. If anyone is interested, please comment!

[info]youmove in [info]fandom_psls

[info]thegladiators From any canon, including movie-verse: Thor and The Hulk. My Cap is post-Fear Itself (unnecessarily long profile here), but if you're not familiar with the comics, that's totally fine, since it would all be news to your character anyway. In fact, I think it would be pretty interesting to play comic!Cap against the movieverse!Avengers, because in his world, they've known each forever, but in their world, they've only just met. Some of them also have very different relationships/elaborate histories, which would create some conflict/confusion.

I'd also especially love to see: Sharon Carter, Peter Parker (any canon), Falcon, Daredevil, Namor, Wasp, Scarlet Witch, Spider-Woman, Ant-Man and Wolverine.

Other X-Men characters would be great too (especially Magneto, and Emma Frost). I'd personally prefer comic X-Men for the character link, since there's no connection between the X-Men films and the Avengers films.

The game could also use more villains! Marvel-wise: Viper, Enchantress, Doctor Doom, Elektra, any of the Hellfire Club, Mystique, and Venom.

[info]nybeauty in [info]fandom_psls

vincent for my catherine?

[info]fletchfilches in [info]fandom_psls

I haven't actually had a substantial line or game in a looooong time, but I'm looking to get back into the swing of things with a line that isn't too demanding. And I have this boy I've never really gotten the chance to utilize. Here's Marauder-era Mundungus Fletcher looking for someone to con play with :D

[info]goldenbelle in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone play Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold?

[info]mother_teresa in [info]fandom_psls

Somebody else out there must watch The Mentalist. Would anyone be willing to write a Jane for my Lisbon? I'll do any season, any storyline.

[info]crazyrighteous in [info]fandom_psls

We all know the story of The Princess Bride. Has anyone else beside me have any desire to perhaps play it out in a much darker realm? I would love a chance to play a gone-crazy Buttercup that's hell-bent on seeing the Dread Pirate Roberts' head on a stick and she's recruited the likes of unseemly men to accompany her on her pre-wedding boat cruise as a charade to chase down the man who killed her young love. Emphasis on crazy and hell-bent.

May 2024



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