September 19th, 2012

[info]therogueslayer in [info]fandom_psls

Please can I get some more Buffy muses to [info]zombiesmod? Lots of juicy lines to be had.

Buffy is currently a vampire, having been turned by Angelus in the middle of the zombie pandemonium. Now Faith lives with a band of survivors while Buffy and the other baddies plot their destruction.

Dawn Summers, Xander Harris, Giles, Kennedy, Vi, Gunn, Illyria, Spike, Connor, Nina, Harmony, Lorne, Oz, Riley, Andrew, Robin, Amy, Drusilla, Kate, Groo, David, Anne- you are all wanted. Friends, enemies, frenemies, what have you- you have a guaranteed storyline with Faith. The people in the game are all super friendly and active too.

[info]ebeau in [info]fandom_psls

Walking Dead comes back in less than a month! Can I get a Daryl Dixon or Rick Grimes for a line against an original character? Het or slash. I've read the comics, so we can play with either those or where we might think the show canon might go.

[info]onehappyending in [info]fandom_psls

Ok, late to this particular bandwagon but I'm gonna ask anyway. I am BEGGING for a once upon a time line.

My characters are

Emma, Mary, Regina, Bell, and a few OCs. I would LOVE plots for them in psls...probably not keen on taking them to groups but MIGHT consider it. All comments are screened.

[info]ladygoshawk in [info]fandom_psls

Doctor Who Roleplayers?

I'd love to roleplay with someone interested in any of the following (my characters on the left, if it's a pairing):

Tegan/Nyssa (especially an AU where Tegan stays on Terminus with her, and they later go traveling. I have a soft spot for this AU and it is my favorite)
Doctor/Master (any incarnation, and I can play either Doctor or Master)
UNIT-era things (basically Three with the Master, the Brig, Jo, Benton, Yates, and/or Liz)
River Song and any companions she picks up during her time travels (definitely open to OCs)
Anything with my OC Time Lords - the Siren, the Diver, and the Falconer
Rose/River (some AU in which River finds Rose in Rose's parallel universe)
Anything from the Gallifrey audio series (Romana, Brax, Narvin, Leela, and any of the pairings from it)
The Master with a companion
The Doctor and/or Master alongside their humanized TARDIS(es)

Leave a comment here, on my journal, or drop me a PM! :)

[info]vanid in [info]fandom_psls

doctor who.

Would anyone be willing to pair the Ten with Amy? I would be happy to play either and I have an idea to start from!

[info]arainai in [info]fandom_psls

So, I was wondering if anyone be interested in a small Mass Effect group psl? Either with a full OC cast, sticking to canon or doing a mix?

May 2024



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