September 12th, 2012

[info]damonsonedge in [info]fandom_psls

Something for Damon?

Elena, Katherine, Caroline?

Season one, two, or three Buffy? :D

[info]mirandatate in [info]fandom_psls

A Bane for my Miranda? I do have something specific in mind and will gladly set you up a custom explaining things :)

I wouldn't mind writing her against Bruce Wayne, either, but I have nothing in mind for the two of them. PBing Marion Cotillard in general is an option as well, though I am only looking to write against men at the moment.

[info]vampjess in [info]fandom_psls

something for Jessica?

[info]jane_bennet in [info]fandom_psls

Charles Bingley, anyone?

This girl really needs her Charles Bingley. She can't let Lizzie have all the fun!

Come check out our lovely little GPSL at [info]austenmods, wherein the residents of [info]willowhaven are modern day adaptations of Jane Austen characters. So far we're lining things up pretty well with the books, but there's also room for deviation from canon, particularly with the fates of secondary characters. I would love you forever if you wanted to take Charles (Hugh Dancy has been mentioned as possible PB, but it's open), but there are other wanted characters, too, so check out the cast list for more.

(There is a pretty little open thread just waaaaiiiting for you, Charles!)

[info]empathyreborn in [info]fandom_psls

something for my ianto jones? the original line he was set as an AU but, open to playing him as the original or something else (like a PB). slash only please.

[info]vilebodies in [info]fandom_psls

Long shot, but I'd like to find an Arthur or Eames for my Ariadne for a post-movie line. I have a bunch of ideas for all. Bonus points for anyone who agrees to let me use either Eva Green, Liv Tyler, or Roxane Mesquida. I'd be more than happy to work in OT3 if that's more enticing :).

[info]ex_ending307 in [info]fandom_psls

Looking to pick up the following fandom characters. I'm open to most pairings.

Avengers (Movieverse)
Natasha Romanoff
Bobbi Morse

Batman (Nolanverse)
Selina Kyle
Harley Quinn
Pamela Isley
Barbara Gordon

Buffy Summers
Faith Lehane

The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Katherine Pierce

[info]livestowrite in [info]fandom_psls

This might sound like a strang request but could I get a Sirius Black for my Albus Potter. How that happens can be plotted out from Albus "freeing" him from the arch to Albus going back in time.

Gdoc or AIM would be prefered.

[info]madslasher in [info]fandom_psls

Putting this out there again.

I know it's not a big fandom, but I was wondering if there are any gamers out there interested in doing a Mass Effect RP. Preferably a m!Shepard/Kaidan line or - and I know this is even more of a long shot - a James Vega/Steve Cortez line.

I willing to do any of the above mentioned characters, but I am more interested in some sort of story, rather than just porn.

[info]theinstinct in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone play a Jackson opposite my Matt? This can be AU or canon until the end of S2 of Teen Wolf. Threading only.

[info]bonekey in [info]fandom_psls

Teen Wolf

Sterek, por favor? I'm willing to play either guy.

I'd also like to try Derek against Jackson.

[info]marcheur in [info]fandom_psls

ignore the journal!

would anyone be interested in a line based on the VFD organization from a series of unfortunate events? i was thinking of trying my hand at lemony himself, actually, if anyone is interested.

May 2024



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