September 9th, 2012

[info]dangerousblonde in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a psl based on The Last Vampire series. I'd like to go AU between books 5 and 6 (purely because I feel like book 6 is a pretty blatant retcon), and I would like to play Sita, my vampire, against her newly-turned friend, Seymour, in a line where she slowly begins to fall for him. I would love Seymour to have the face of Steven R. McQueen, if that's not a problem. Any takers?

[info]nebulized in [info]fandom_psls

This is probably pretty unlikely, but I'm looking for someone to play Daryl Dixon in something het. The show hints at a lot of depth to his character that's all hidden by layers of gruffness and anger and I'd really love to explore that in some kind of line where he finds someone he can actually open up to. Not in a psychiatric kind of way, but in finding a kinship with someone who might understand. I don't see any of the characters in the show working out for that, so I'd like to play an original character (I've got one worked out) who can handle herself just as well as Daryl can, but I could potentially be open to playing one of the women in the show.

Also open to playing against an original male character set in TWD's universe (show or comic) or as an original character against Shane Walsh or Rick Grimes.

Comments are screened and I'm only looking for threading lines at the moment!

[info]capnjckhrknss in [info]fandom_psls

[info]zombiesmod Torchwood cast, lines for Jack?

Also on the side I'd love a PSL with Ianto, or 1941 Captain Jack Harkness.

[info]bluebook in [info]fandom_psls

I just watched the Elementary pilot, and I am already in love with the show. I'm not sure how many other people have seen it. But would anyone be interested in a psl?

[info]heshallappear in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for a John Blake for my Bane for a long-term threading PSL. First and foremost, I'm seeking a writing partner who enjoys plotting. Lots and lots of plotting, please! Paragraphs of plotting. Come with your own ideas, suggestions, and preferences; it's very hard to work with people who just say "sure" or "I don't know." This is a very complicated pairing, within a very complex universe with a great deal of history and canon. I'd really like to explore that. Second, I'm looking for someone who enjoys character development and insight and wants to flesh John out. You don't have to type out a character biography or anything, but I ask that you have one/develop one in your head, as I do/will for Bane. They're both characters with only partially established backgrounds, in which there are a lot of gaps to fill in. Let's flesh these guys out!

Many more details under the cut. )

[info]psychobitchvamp in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be willing to play Damon against my Katherine?

[info]hookhanded in [info]fandom_psls

Lots of wanted lines can be found here for the Peter Pan-verse game [info]savagegarden.

Fae, native, pirate, townie, and mermaid characters all being asked for.

Also open for one more treehouse-kid for Peter to have taken in.

May 2024



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