July 27th, 2012

[info]ex_jotunn314 in [info]fandom_psls

I'm currently looking for someone to play Thor in an AU line with Loki having always been a Jotunn and eventually Thor's consort. I'm up to discussing particulars, like whether we want them having always known they would end up betrothed and allowed perfunctory visits, or a random marriage after the war in exchange for the casket. An attempt to unite their people, or something. I would love to involve mpreg at some point, but I'm totally fine with leaving that out if it's not your thing :) Definitely a lot to chat about, so feel free to comment in this journal if you're interested!

[info]bleedingedge in [info]fandom_psls

I figure it's worth the shot. Looking for a Steve Rogers to my Tony Stark for an Iron Man/Captain America themed slash SL. Because hey why not? Hit me up at merchant.of.death

[info]self_perfection in [info]fandom_psls

Available Lines

Available Lines
[Werewolf | Weretiger | Vampire | Malfoys]

[info]floridasnow in [info]fandom_psls

check it! i'm especially looking for supernatural and glee centric lines!

[info]lovedlea in [info]fandom_psls

Teen Wolf muses want PSL or someone to come to a game with me! I've got Kate (who I would love to PSL again Derek or Peter) and Erica (who I will probably pair with anyone, because why the fuck not!) and haven't tried yet but I might be able to pull of Lydia too (dunno who i ship her with yet).

also have Supernatural muses (Ruby, Anna, fem!Cas, Claire, a few others) and Doctor Who muses (Rose & Donna mostly) looking for PSLs or people to come to games with me.

and I will never say no to a fairy tale/classic story twisted to the dark and smutty!

[info]bigbeautylane in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in interacting with a plus-sized Lois Lane? I would love a fluffy line with a Routh-faced Superman.

May 2024



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