July 21st, 2012

[info]stupidsatan in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone want a Sam, Dean or Castiel for anything? Slash or Het, I don't mind.

[info]cheered in [info]fandom_psls

Am officially looking for a good femmeslash line! Haven't written one in awhile and I would love a bite here for this. Fandoms I can do are Marvel, DC, Hunger Games, Once Upon a Time or anything fairy tales related, or the kitchen sink! If I don't know it well, I can always try to learn. Can be a one-time thing with only smut or long term with plot and development, either one, I am just looking to write!

[info]banderson in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play Sam Evans, Artie Abrams and Joe Hart from Glee? They are wanted over at [info]prinfiggins for amazingness, lovefests, broventures and good times. We have a super active cast and all the other fellas that will blow your mind. Interested? I can give you more details for sl's and such or just apply! It really is an awesome place for an active writer.

[info]jackiecuratola in [info]fandom_psls

Would love to work on a line from any of the following shows - Law & Order : SVU, CSI (any of the three), Necessary Roughness, Criminal Minds or Covert Affairs.

[info]peroxidebite in [info]fandom_psls

This could be a long shot, but right now I would love an historical Buffyverse line with original characters. Feudal Japan, Victorian England and the Old American West are time periods I would enjoy playing in, but I am open to suggestions. Obviously, the line would focus on an original slayer and her adventures with creatures of the night from her era. I don't mind playing the slayer or the other characters involved with her. In fact, I think a forbidden Slayer/Watcher angle could be fun. I would like to make this journal and thread-based. Drop a comment or PM me if you're interested!

[info]ondarkwings in [info]fandom_psls

Batman AU?

Bruce Wayne, eccentric billionaire, seeks Selina Kyle for a Batman AU PSL that is heavily informed by the Nolan film trilogy but also incorporates elements from the comics. I might also be interested in playing other characters in the Batman mythos in the same AU, possibly with the same writing "partner".

Further details can be had from pinging me on KristhePaladin on AIM or commenting/PMing on this journal. Generally speaking, I prefer AIM but I'm hardly opposed to threading.

Note: If you haven't seen The Dark Knight Rises but want to play with me, that's fine but make sure you tell me first! So I don't spew forth horrible spoilers.

[info]prinfiggins in [info]fandom_psls

WMHS is a Glee role play game that has been going strong for the last eight months and is looking to expand its talent base. If you are interested in writing with active, dedicated, funny and friendly people who love Glee and the characters associated with the show as much as you do, our small group may be right up your alley. We need: Sam Evans, Artie Abrams, Joe Hart, Mercedes Jones, The Warblers: Thad, David, Flint & Wes, Will Schuester, and Emma Pillsbury.

With the amazing success of The Glee Project, as well as our graduates heading in different directions, we are looking to grow in a more artistically freeing direction. If you enjoy writing original characters, try your hand at one of the Glee Project (past and present) cast members like SEASON I: Cameron Mitchell, Hannah McIalwain, Marissa von Bleicken, Matheus Fernandes, McKynleigh Abraham, Emily Vásquez, Ellis Wylie, Bryce Ross-Johnson and SEASON II: Nellie Veitenheimer, Charlie Lubeck, Tyler Ford and Dani Shay.

Or if you would like to explore something a little more challenging and meaty character wise, we are actively looking to fill the roles of: Chandler Kiehl, David Karofsky, Wade "Unique" Adams, Trevor Phillips, Harmony Pearce, Cassandra July, David Martinez, Sue Sylvester, Lauren Zizes, Shannon Beiste, Holly Holliday, & Carmen Tibideaux.

Our writers are all active, friendly, converse on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities (currently we are writing the production of RENT) and scene regularly. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!

May 2024



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