July 12th, 2012

[info]dwnchstr in [info]fandom_psls

Now that life is no longer kicking my ass, and now that I'm more focused on my writing, I'd love to offer my Dean Winchester up for whoever wants to go up against him in a line?

I'd also love some Wincest lines or J2 lines :)

[info]narvinthespy in [info]fandom_psls

Time Lord Line

Narvin is a loyal member of the Celestial Intervention Agency, who is xenophobic, utterly convinced of his superiority and a tendency to get himself almost killed. He comes from the Big Finish audio series Gallifrey but you don't have to know about that to play with him.

I can play him before Gallifrey is destroyed (in which case he'll be a spy who makes sure the time line is in Gallifrey's best interests) or after (when he'll be suffering with severe PTSD and survivor's guilt). Keep in mind though, that while he'll eventually warm up to your character, he's never going to be particularly cuddly.

I'll be happy to play with anyone, but I know Doctor Who universe(obviously), Due South, Star Trek, Yes (Prime) Minister, Sherlock, Tin Man, Avengers and Buffy universe better than most.

[info]cfor in [info]fandom_psls

Missing VPD more than I actually should. With that being said would anyone be interested in a group psl? Maybe spice it up with adding another show to the mix. BTVS or something along those lines?

[info]tornandfaded in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone remember that show Wolf Lake?

It aired in 07' and was cancelled shortly after it began but the plot kind of inspired me to bring it back to life via the gaming world.

I figured we can start off in a group psl and see how it goes. Maybe add a few of our own twists and things to the plot to spice things up. Maybe add some vampires to mix it up with the werewolves?

It's a sketchy idea and I'm hoping to brainstorm with others about it. I do know the characters will be all made up and different pbs are welcomed seeing as how there aren't alot of icons out there of the original characters that played in the show. More characters will be added and everything.

If anyone has ideas for it let me know!

[info]30minutemeals in [info]fandom_psls

Can I get something for Liz Parker from Roswell, Sam Mccall-Morgan from General Hospital or Amy Juergans from Secret Life of the American Teenager?

[info]flippedswitch in [info]fandom_psls

Anything for Ripper!Stefan?

[info]torchwood_gwen in [info]fandom_psls

Gwen Cooper seeking an Ianto Jones for a romantic storyline. 18+ only, please.

[info]rippedgiles in [info]fandom_psls

Something HET with someone that isn't jail bait for Mr. Giles?

[info]saintbastard in [info]fandom_psls

Holy shit, TDKR is almost upon us! Anybody down for some Nolan-verse Batman RPing? I'm down to play the Joker, Scarecrow, Riddler, Ivy, Harley... basically, I make a good multipurpose villain, and it would be awesome to have a B-man (or fellow ne'er-do-well) to play off of! I'm good with playing on G-docs, AIM, or through journals :)

I have an especial itch to play the Scarecrow; it's been ages and ages since I've written him.

[info]transformings in [info]fandom_psls

Erica Reyes for Isaac? Something a little dark, shippy and angsty.

I'm also down for crossfandom stuff with...
.Buffy The Vampire Slayer
.The Vampire Diaries
.& Supernatural

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