July 9th, 2012

[info]kuiperbelt in [info]fandom_psls

Couple of requests:

I'm looking for a Wolverine for a het line. Could be against a canon or original character. If canon, the only ones I feel capable of handling are Shadowcat and Rogue. I'd also love a line against a Hugh Jackman pb based in the X-Men universe. Or an original, powers-based universe altogether.

I'd also love to find someone who would be interested in an ASoIaF line set in modern times? I'd like to play either Arya or Sansa, but I'm as to who I play them against.

[info]allisonknowles in [info]fandom_psls

Still looking for a Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead) to write against this girl here. I have a set idea in mind that involves him finding her and bringing her back to the camp and while he tries to remain distant, she becomes emotionally attached to him almost instantly. Details can be given (if you want a custom, just ask!) and I do have the start of a scene up, so that's no issue.

If not Shane? I wouldn't mind writing her against Daryl Dixon or Rick Grimes instead. I can also change things up a bit to write her against any of the guys from Supernatural as well, since I just finished playing catch up with that show. Alternatively, I am willing to write against pbs using the faces of the actors who play the characters listed above (boy, I hope that makes sense. I swear it does in my hear) or just other pbs in general (throw some names at me and so long as they are male, chances are I won't say no to coming up with some kind of line).

Mandy Murphy isn't the only face I am willing to use, but she is a favorite. If interested in some of my other go-to ladies, let me know.

[info]smutly in [info]fandom_psls

psl for the night.

the smuttier, the better.

femme or het.

smutly spears on aim

[info]ticktockwork in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play Greg House? I've got something complicated and interesting for you.

[info]indulgences in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in playing the ninth or tenth doctor with an OC companion? romance is not a must with this one, and the only reason I don't include eleven is because I'm not there yet!

[info]pickofabadlot in [info]fandom_psls

sherlock (bbc)

Het, please?

come on, how can you say no to that face )

[info]nolanross in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for fandom lines for Revenge's Nolan Ross. I'm interested in slash and maybe het, though I am not interested in Nolan/Emily. I'm quite happy to take a darker turn with Nolan and I'd be more than open to fandom crossovers. If I was talking about a line with you before RL got busy I'd love to take it up, too. Journals based and psls only, though I'd be happy to talk about taking a line to a comm later.

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