June 24th, 2012

[info]hell_bound_dean in [info]fandom_psls

Dipping my toes back into IJ waters.

Anything with Supernatural. I'd love for a good Dean line, something a little more interesting and compelling would be nice. Maybe with characters I usually don't get to see--like Crowley and Dean and misadventures involving hell or really anything and everything. I'm willing to go dark too, maybe something with Alastair. I'm also always interested in Sam/Dean bonding, Castiel/Dean bonding, honestly it depends on what we come up with.

Crossover might be interesting to mess with as well, Doctor Who being the best of them. I've always been attracted to the idea of Sam as a kid being taken off by Eleven, this gif set not exactly helping my desire on such an idea. Also generally maybe Dean just taken off, mixing with River and the others, or Tenth Doctor and his shenanigans. Would have to involve some deep kind of difficult waters, especially if we have some Dean/Doctor action going on; I can see a pretty interesting play off that.

Now, I'm actually good with playing other characters. Crowley, Bobby, Balthazar, it depends on people's muses. Not up for simply romatic RPs right now. Romance and such is totally fine to throw in for development and plot and general great fun, but I'm just not good with it being tons of fluff and a whole center focus. Give me some meat and eggs to go with that cake.

Either way, open for most things. I'm also up for playing Doctor Who the Doctors (six, eleven, ten, nine), Jack Harkness, River Song, Rory Williams, and do love a lot of pairings if we want to have them thrown in there. I'm probably more up to pairing focus with Doctor Who right about now, still nothing too much on incredible fluff, but all the same.

May 2024



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