June 2nd, 2012

[info]threechoices in [info]fandom_psls

Is there anyone out there who would want to play Kristen Stewart against my Charlize Theron? I've been watching interviews with them and I think they are so perfect together. Outside this general idea, I'm really open for anything; something sweet, or something dramatic. I'm open to brainstorming.

[info]thebrooklynite in [info]fandom_psls

Gossip Girl muses? I'm trying to reboot a very cracktastic GPSL involving the Gossip Girl cast, zombies, and general AU (cannibalistic!) mayhem. Sound interesting? Leave a comment here or PM me!

[info]chidori in [info]fandom_psls

i'm sure this is highly unlikely but does anyone rp the characters from full metal panic? i would love a psl or even a group psl. if not, then something from gundam wing?

[info]bigbadwolfie in [info]fandom_psls

I'm lazy and copy/pasting my previous request for a HEROES line. I put away a cut for convenience. I'm open to other ideas and crossovers as well.

For this journal, I have a specific line in mind that I would really like to play out. Mainly, a HEROES line. I know the whole oc/canon pairing is largely unpopular and generally hated but that's what I'm looking for. I'm not one to only take so I'll put up this offer: play a canon for me and I'll play a canon for you against whatever character/oc you like. )

[info]drwalters in [info]fandom_psls

[info]gonnacall Another guy for our LAST Ghostbuster!!! I'd love to see either Jesse Eisenberg or Shia Labeouf

[info]cthequeen in [info]fandom_psls

Cordelia is looking for a femme line with Faith Lehane taking place during the events of Buffy season 3 where the two girls are seeing each other on the side without the scoobies knowledge. Cordelia, being the popular prom queen type would never want to admit to dating someone like Faith which would be an issue we could explore as well as how Cordelia deals with Faith's deteriorating mental condition. Perhaps sleeping with Xander was just a way for Faith to get back at Cordy? Maybe we can even explore a little bit after Faith wakes up for her coma. Maybe she's really in LA looking for Cordy, not Angel. And maybe later on after prison, Faith comes back to try and save evil Cordy, not Angelus. This is all up for discussion but I believe that this line has a lot of potential. Can I get a Faith please?

[info]reidmymind in [info]fandom_psls

Dying to write with my precious Dr. Spencer Reid. I've been torn away too long. Life, always getting in the way of perfectly good escapism. Bah!

I'm in love with him falling in love (...maybe by way of uncharted lust.) though I'm really only interested in Slash for him. He pairs well with sociopaths, eccentrics, and the like, but it might be interesting to see him against someone completely normal. Though I do very much enjoy smut eith a heavy side of kink. I don't mind crossing fandoms either, so long as we can make sense of the stories. (Though can you imagine him against a BBC Sherlock? Haha, intellectual foreplay for hours!) Oh, and naturally a world of love for anyone interested in playing Derrek Morgan.

The most inspired line I had was between him and a man who had kidnapped him, whom he fell in love with so obviously I'm open to...uh, weirdness? Ha. There's a sneak peak on the journal if you want to see the kind of writing I do.

So, bring them on! Your weird, awkward, slightly sadistic ideas and characters, whatever and leave a message or drop me an IM at MyCoutureFetish (though I am terrible at leaving it on and wandering about.)

Crossposted! Sorry for any ugliness on your friends' lists.

[info]wedestroy in [info]fandom_psls

My kingdom for a Gendry for my Arya Stark. Two plot ideas in that link but I have a million more if they don't work for you, pbs totally up for debate, so please give me a ping!

C'mon, I am convincing you with adorable graphics. How can anyone resist a shirtless Gendry covered in blacksmith's dirt?

Also, more ASoIaF open lines and others here at this journal.

[info]trixxyvixxy in [info]fandom_psls

Really looking for some fun and some dark PSLs to play. Slash, Femme, Het, fandom, you name it! Please check the journal for ideas and faces! Am cross posting like mad!

[info]colfep in [info]fandom_psls

darren or a grant for chris, pul-ease?

[info]lyricalemme in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for some of the Avenger guys to play against my Maria Hill. I would prefer Captain America/Steve Rogers (I mean, come on, anyone else see her checking him out?!) but I'm willing to play her against Thor, Hawkeye/Clint Barton or even Iron Man/Tony Stark, though I love him with Pepper. I'd also be up for some friendship lines, but I'm looking for something romantic and probably smutty.

Feel free to drop me a line here. I'm willing to do AIM based, but I prefer something with some meat to it so threads are usually my preferred method. Willing to make a journal just for this but I want someone who would be committed to playing.

Thanks! :)

May 2024



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