May 16th, 2012

[info]neurotoxin in [info]fandom_psls

probably a longshot!

But I'd love to wait out the seemingly-endless Diablo 3 server maintenance with a psl! Maybe a (minor spoiler alert) Tyrael to write against my Leah? A couple adventurers in the world? A mix of both?

[info]savannahhewes in [info]fandom_psls

Something for this lady? Het only, please! I have some rough ideas in mind, but would love to brain storm. I'd love to find any of the Winchester's or Crowley (from Supernatural) or Eric Northman (from True Blood) to write against, but I do watch other shows (as well as plenty of movies - I wouldn't mind writing my girl against any of the Avengers...Loki included) and could be interested in doing something against other guys as well.

[info]chloefrazer in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone up for an Uncharted line?

[info]fandomofdaopera in [info]fandom_psls

Probably a longshot but any chance I can get a True blood line?

The characters I play are- Jessica, Pam (Straight with bi kinks), Sookie, and Sophie Anne as well as a few OC's both vampire, human, and shifter.

I am looking for Het lines and I am open to just about anything.

[info]donutboy in [info]fandom_psls

Still interested in slash lines for Xander here! Prefer a Spike or Oz, will readily consider crossovers, super special bonus points if we can work hyena spirits into the line.

[info]torunn in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for someone interested in creating an OC sibling for Thor/Sif's offspring to be brought to a group psl for x-men/marvel next-gen. I'd like him physically look more like Sif than Thor, and younger than Torunn (who is 18). I've got some background on them as far as their history goes and why they're down on Earth. If you're interested, let me know! The group is [info]upnext.

[info]witchybennett in [info]fandom_psls

Hey guys! Ever since the season finale I've been itching to play Bonnie so with that being said I've taken her over to [info]flamesheat. Right now we're currently needing Stefan Salvatore to complete the usual cannon characters but personally I'd love it if I could get Klaus/Tyler to come into play. Since that's her biggest secret at the moment. Besides I'm sure our Caroline would love it if you showed up to!

Rebekah, Kol, and Elijah are also wanted for some Original fun! Not too many tvd gpsls stick around these days so I'd love it if we could get a bunch of great writers into the mix to make this one work!

Oh! and Katherine? We want you too!

May 2024



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