April 30th, 2012

[info]ex_henwick683 in [info]fandom_psls

Might be a long shot, but I'd love to find someone to play Eric Northman from True Blood against one of my pbs (Jessica-Jane Clement is just one of the girls I use. Feel free to ask for a list of others). I have a rough idea in mind that involves really exploring a master/pet relationship (with Eric being the master and my girl being his little chew toy...figuratively and literally!), though the details would need to be sorted out. I can make a custom explaining the pieces I have so far, so don't be afraid to ask.

Oh, this would all be done through journals, since I don't use AIM.

[info]waterfalling in [info]fandom_psls

After a long absence from RP, I'd like to dip a toe back in with a few fandom PSL's. My mostly up to date PSL journal here has a lot of information about me and my preferences and fandoms. Tl;dr, I know, but for broadstrokes, I play largely slash, am happy to genderswap, and would especially like any of the following fandoms/lines! Bolded characters are the ones I'm willing to/would prefer to play, though I'll usually discuss a bit. I'd be happy to look at communities/gpsls as well, but I'm looking for PSL's mostly.

Lines in: A: tLA, Avengers, Dragon Age, Firefly, GoT, Gossip Girl, HP, Hunger Games, Kings, BBC Skins, Vampire Diaries & West Wing! )

Massive post, I know. I'll be happy to set up customs for plotting!

[info]voenix in [info]fandom_psls

Hello! [x-posted]

Hello, all!

Years ago, I took a hiatus from role-playing, and my life is just now finally settling to a point where I can pick it up again! I've found not many games out there are what I'm looking for anymore, so I thought that I would give PSLs a shot!

I'm hoping for a partner to explore some Final Fantasy VIII or Harry Potter Lines. I am also searching for someone to do a Glee line with, though I'm specifically looking for a Schueberry line. Details can be found here!

I'm open to group lines or games, but I'm pretty choosy when it comes to those!

[info]demoninthedark in [info]fandom_psls

Glee PSL

I'm looking for some glee PSLs or group psls! I have a ton of plot ideas based on whomever you choose!

I'd REALLY love a Rachel, Sam or Mercedes to pair with my Artie, but I'll take ANY Glee character!!

[info]runwithdevils in [info]fandom_psls

Harry Potter OC [x-posted]

I'm craving a line with my male Harry Potter OC. Check the journal for some basic info about him. I would prefer to play against other Potterverse OC's, but I wouldn't mind a minor canon. Reply here or at my journal if you're interested. Thanks!

[info]astrangefate in [info]fandom_psls

looking for Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire stuff! I've read all of the books and have seen all of the episodes so far, and my muse is waking up again. considering 1x1s, group psls, comms, tumblrs, forums. pretty much anything to satisfy my muse xD I've played Asha and Brienne, but I'm also very much interested in OCs and AUs. only looking to play females right now. if you have any ideas, I'm all ears <3

[info]proudstar in [info]fandom_psls

looking for an x-men/brotherhood next-gen game, gpsl, or psl. willing to make a game if someone wants to help.

May 2024



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