April 7th, 2012

[info]disciplinarian in [info]fandom_psls

Might be a shot in the dark, but hey, why not?

So I have this Seifer Almasy (FF8 version, not Kingdom Hearts) journal sitting around and I would really like an excuse to use it. Preferably for a slash line? Pre-game, post-game, in-game, or a little bit of everything. I'm all for plotting out any scenario.

My kingdom for a Zell Dincht, but Squall works too. Even a kick ass crossover isn't out of the question! I prefer threads but I can do AIM as well.

[info]chosens in [info]fandom_psls

[info]chosens. a buffy 'verse game set in present day, 9 years after the end of the series (season 8 comics not included).

[info]prinfiggins in [info]fandom_psls

Love Glee? Love role playing? [info]wmhigh just might be the group PSL for you! Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities and scene regularly.

Currently we are looking for: Artie, Joe Hart, Will Schuester, Warblers (Nick, Thad, David, Flint), Sugar, Shelby, Emma, Harmony, David Martinez and more. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!

[info]ourtowns in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play Daryl Dixon?

[info]ex_terminati420 in [info]fandom_psls

would anyone be interested in a gpsl set after the apocalypse brought on by angels/demons? it'd be centered around humans vs angels/demons!

[info]kuiperbelt in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone play any canon or originals from Firefly? I'd love a het line set on a Firefly class vessel and I've got a female character in the works whose legs I'd really like to stretch. Any takers?

May 2024



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