February 17th, 2012

[info]shimmerfade in [info]fandom_psls

On the off chance there might be someone else out there, I'm interested in a Secret Circle line, or even a fandom community if there happens to be one in existence.

[info]samkendrick in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play 2009's movieverse Sherlock Holmes? I'd love to work out some kind of het line with an original character that completely stymies him (even more than Irene Adler) and really just kind of play with how he reacts to the world. Setting it in modern times would also be cool, but not necessary. I'm open to something against BBC's Sherlock, too, but I'd love Robert Downey Jr because I'm kind of a loser.

[info]ex_gretel625 in [info]fandom_psls

Still hoping to find some private lines that are loosely based off Grimm's fairy tales. I do have some rough ideas up in my journal, but brainstorming is also welcome!

Alternatively, I wouldn't mind doing lines similar to the tv show Grimm. Could be against a Nick Burkhardt, but an original character that happens to be a Grimm would be okay, too. I'd like to have my girl be one of the creatures he is supposed to be after that he somehow ends up romantically involved with. Again, brainstorming is welcome! I'm also not against putting an OC against any of the guys from Supernatural or Vampire Diaries. The fairy tale theme could somehow be worked into things, or a completely different route could be taken.

[info]tornfrompages in [info]fandom_psls

Good Omens SL

Searching for a Good Omens SL.

I will happily play either Aziraphale or Crowley.

I have a few ideas so just comment if interested and let's get to brainstormin!

[info]litbyfireflies in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking to fill a few of these fandom ideas. A list of fandoms and characters I play in them is below; I'm also (always) open to brainstorming from scratch. Details about me are in the journal.

[info]playboymouth in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone play any characters from The Walking Dead?

[info]prinfiggins in [info]fandom_psls

Love Glee? Love role playing? [info]wmhigh just might be the group PSL for you! Our writers are all active, friendly, chat on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities and scene regularly.

Currently we are looking for: Finn, Artie, Joe Hart, Cooper Anderson, Will Schuester, Warblers (Jeff, Thad, Trent, David, Flint), Sugar, Shelby, Emma, Harmony, David Martinez and more. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!

May 2024



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