January 26th, 2012

[info]votingsaxon in [info]fandom_psls

Maybe this is a long shot but I'm in the mood for playing with Blackpool, State of Play or Life on Mars. And I'm actually interested in finding a Doctor Who PSL as well. I can play Gene, Sam, Peter, Cal, and the Master. I'm open to crossovers as well! I know a lot are more obscure-ish pairings but I fancy playing around with them.

For the Doctor Who RP, I'm mostly just interested in some Master/Doctor, AU or otherwise. I'm happy to plot anything out.

My journal has any extra info on me if you're curious but if anyone is interested, comment, ask for my AIM or send me a PM

[info]blondievamp in [info]fandom_psls

I'd love to see Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan, Bonnie Bennett and Rebekah at [info]thenewdeal, a Vampire Diaries GPSL.

I know there are also some other characters like Alaric, Stefan and Elijah that we'd love to have as well!

[info]cinderandrubble in [info]fandom_psls

If you're at all interested in an AU OC group psl set in the Hunger Games universe please come check out [info]cinderandrubble! We have 33 total slots available, and we begin on February 10!

[info]keepthefaithx in [info]fandom_psls

Homes for any of these people?

[info]desertrose in [info]fandom_psls

Ignore the journal itself. I won't use it for the storyline but I do have a POTC idea that I'd love to get filled here.

[info]vforvainglory in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a little bit of Nolany Batman goodness. Actually, I was looking to play a revamped Jeremiah Arkham - perhaps I can get a line going with some other asylum staff or patients?

May 2024



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