January 19th, 2012

[info]hookhanded in [info]fandom_psls

Captain Hook wants to plan an attack on Peter and his boys but he needs more crew to do it!
Bring me your worst characters and I'll make pirates out of them.
(feel free to contact this journal about pirate lines if you want.)

(Natives, mermaids, fae, townspeople also accepted at this time)
small-ish community set in Neverland.

[info]born_anew in [info]fandom_psls

I am looking for a writing partner who wouldn't mind RPing on AIM or as long as you plot and keep in contact with me on aim I can be persuaded to make it a threading line. I am looking for someone to play a het and slash line comfortable with playing multiple characters to make it a richer experiance.
Looking for a MWPP Line with Severus Snape and/or Remus Lupin )

[info]elenaglib in [info]fandom_psls

Vampire Diaries characters to [info]realitycrash Katherine, Klaus, Caroline or Damon would be on the top of the most wanted list, but anyone would be great!

[info]guilt in [info]fandom_psls

[info]marchemod, Possibly a long shot, but just held Tatterhood over at and I'd love to get her sister Griselda to come with.

Also, Tam Lin would be A+. Who does not love an someone trying to clean up his act after being tangled with the mob?

More details on the characters here. Also, I have PB suggestions but honestly I'm more keen on just working out a nice complicated line with both.

[info]keepthefaithx in [info]fandom_psls

One Walter White to Clear Point to accompany Jesse Pinkman on general hijinks in a new, fun city! Contact passthejay86 for more details!

May 2024



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