November 12th, 2011

[info]licia in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for more players for a Vampire Diaries psl group. Elena and Damon are the only ones currently taken.

[info]sunrisesheriff in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Lisa Braeden for my Dean Winchester, please? A storyline based on the year that Sam was in the pit and his first time at a 'normal life'.

[info]tornbydesire in [info]fandom_psls

So we got our Damon how about making me extra happy this weekend and have Bonnie Bennett and Tyler Lockwood come to [info]hybriddiaries asap!

[info]rivenmirror in [info]fandom_psls

Hunting for a few fandom lines including Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Sherlock Holmes. The complete list is in my journal, along with the characters I play.

[info]logan09er in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone out there still play Veronica Mars? I'm currently re-watching the seasons and my Logan muse has resurfaced. I'd also be interested in playing him against an older woman, or make the line slash and play him against another boy in school, possibly an outsider? I might also consider doing a crossover with shows like vampire diaries, gossip girl, ect. I'm open for almost anything!

[info]hanginbyamoment in [info]fandom_psls

Random o.O

But worth a try? Has ANYONE heard of an anime called Sekirei? I've actually found it somewhat interesting and, as usual, I'm going out on a limb here to see if anyone might have heard of it and want to play.

Apart from that, back to looking for my usual. HP, Twilight, Bleach, and other fandoms are on my list. Feel free to throw other ideas at me too!

[info]orientexpress in [info]fandom_psls

[info]orientexpress Many holds expected to be cleared tonight. Lots of great roles available!

May 2024



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