November 5th, 2011

[info]warmings in [info]fandom_psls

Looking to play Jacob Black against other Twilight characters, but particularly a Bella or Leah for 'shipping purposes. Plot ideas can be found on this journal here. If nothing there interests you, we can work something else out. I'd really like to start playing Jacob again!

[info]orientexpress in [info]fandom_psls

Ride the [info]orientexpress!

[info]theone_andonly in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a PSL or home for Damian Wayne from Batman.

[info]rawrmonster in [info]fandom_psls

Probably a ridiculously huge long shot here, but I'm looking for someone to play Tyler Simms against my Reid Garwin, or I could play Caleb against Pogue or Chase (for a darker line).

[info]shadowkin in [info]fandom_psls

Anybody out there in RP land watching American Horror Story? I absolutely love Tate, and I would really like to get to play him even though what we know for certain in the series is exceptionally sketchy. Violet is the preferred choice of who I'd like to play him against, but I'll consider anyone from the series or an OC.

[info]themedium in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for Damon to come on over to [info]hybriddiaries, while I'm at it we're also hoping to get Tyler to come to! I'm sure our Caroline would love it!

The big Stefan switch off is finally in play, and they're about to torture Elena, where's Saint Damon when she needs him?

Not to mention I'd enjoy him around to butt heads with.

We got papa Original coming in to so should be fun, what are you guys waiting for? Check the wanted list and come join us!

[info]ex_littlered863 in [info]fandom_psls

[info]sinsofyouth - Generally a new Young Justice group psl, but I think at this point we'd love some heroes and definitely an aqualad to round out the team. Anyone interested?

I'm also considering setting up a panfandom Gotham-verse game, would anyone be interested in that idea?

[info]maddicks in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for someone to play Leech against my Artie Maddicks at an X-Men game.

[info]jimmathy in [info]fandom_psls

Something odd for him? (Kelly, Angela, Jan, even Meredith?)

Or even a potential crossover? Arrested Development comes screaming to mind (Lindsey!!!) but I'm willing to see what we can come up with!

[info]tornbydesire in [info]fandom_psls

Damon Salvatore you're wanted, needed, and begged for at [info]hybriddiaries!

[info]moorishflower in [info]fandom_psls

I'd give my left eye for a Mushishi line, or a line based on the anime/manga. Slash or femme, threading only.

[info]jonofwinterfell in [info]fandom_psls

Anything ASOI&F. I'm open to playing just about anyone.

[info]werewolf_girl in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for a Jack Harkness for my Gwen Cooper. Any time line, post CoE, post MD, during series 1 and 2.

Or a Seeley Booth for my Temperance Brennan. I'm thinking either in the AU world (The End in the Beginning) or current time line, either pre-season 7 or during season 7.

May 2024



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