January 18th, 2011

[info]30minutemeals in [info]fandom_psls

Any Glee Brittanys out there up for a PSL with Sam's OC brother? I have a loose idea in mind that I'd like to play with. Comment if you're interested in hearing it :)

[info]chaotic_queen in [info]fandom_psls

Weiss PSL anyone?

I posted for Anime lines the other day and I have gotten awesome responses.  Then I cleaned out my anime shelf.  

Don't do this - you will get rehooked on things.

ANYONE up for Weiss lines?  I have an Aya or a Yohji.  I LOVE them together but I am open minded.  Just let me know!

And I have an AWESOME partner for my Zoicite from Sailor Moon.  Yes he is male - don't make him be evil  on you for saying otherwise - Ami hasn't tried to kill him yet and he would like to keep it that way.

Anyone up for a femme Haruka/Usagi line?  I have a Haruka muse...  I also have other generals that would love to annoy the heck out of their former Senshi lovers....

[info]buffonia in [info]fandom_psls

[info]hellmouthed au btvs/ats community. currently in need of: giles, anya, dawn, angel, spike, oz, tara, fred, doyle, andrew, lorne, darla, kendra, wesley, vi, caleb, glory, the mayor

[info]harut in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for the Marut to my Harut! Don't let Allelujah be taken to [info]marinasylum without his beloved Marie.

[info]jadewest in [info]fandom_psls

love victorious? love [info]hollywoodarts, a small victorious group psl.

[info]combusted in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for Hunger Games characters at [info]everworld! Everyone except Katniss is open, and a Peeta or a Gale would be especially awesome. Also listed in the 'wanted characters' section are Cinna, Finnick, Johanna and Haymitch.

May 2024



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