September 16th, 2010

[info]ex_snob565 in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone play Sam Winchester against Heather Mason from Silent Hill in a crossover psl? Preferably a non-flake. :-\

[info]osterhagen in [info]fandom_psls

looking for a few more psls. specifically: doctor who (amy/rory would be fun, or ten/rose, nine/rose), primeval (i'd really like connor/abby, but open to other characters!), or alice (hatter/alice, this would take place after the end of the miniseries) i could play any of the characters listed, i can let you know my preferences if it's really an issue but i'm flexible. if anyone has any ideas for these fandoms, let me know!

[info]shacklednymph in [info]fandom_psls

I have always wanted to play it out either with just one other person or two other people. I want a working cohesive and good Trinogamous Relationship. I would prefer it be two males one female or three males. I would truly prefer there to be a female in the mix, just not two. As far as the setting Next Gen HP, MWPP, Founders? (We all know Sal left cause he had to share Helga!), True Blood OCs, or completely original just PB based RP would work. There will be lots of brain storming and plotting for this with the set up. It will most certainly be threaded because of the potential for more than two players.

All interested comment below.

X posted

[info]seberia in [info]fandom_psls

I really, really want to play Alma Garret/Ellsworth with a Seth Bullock. I would like it to be some time from their love affair starting to the end of the series, where we can play around with that.

Or, if there is an Agent 47 hanging around. Or anyone wants an Agent 47.

PSL, I can make a journal or we can do it in AIM messenger. Comment here, send me a message, or message me on AIM. KingLegolasG

If you take a gander at my profile you'll see the characters I play.

[info]luckyafterlife in [info]fandom_psls

I know it's an extreme long shot. Would anyone be interested in a threading Chris Redfield/Wesker storyline from the Resident Evil games/movies? I can play either.

[info]dawnwinchester in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone interested in an AU Supernatural line that follows the series adding Dawn as a sister to the brothers? Click profiles to see more! I would love a Dean, and would be willing to trade him for Sam! :)

May 2024



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