July 14th, 2010

[info]chasingnights in [info]fandom_psls

Does anyone RP in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom?
Looking for someone who plays Giles or Wesley for a het line.

AIM - drummerpic
E-Mail - chasingnights@gmail.com

Let me know!

[info]nevica in [info]fandom_psls

I had a line planned that I had gotten rather excited over that the user had to back out of for schedule's sake. Anyone out there play feel up for Will Turner from PotC? I have a reincarnation idea for Will/Elizabeth that, ideally, would give some room for the two to have plot and character growth rather than just "happily ever after" fluff. I'll give line details (on IM, in a PM, or screened post as the idea is a bit lengthy to put here) for any interested parties.

[info]walkingindust in [info]fandom_psls

Sailor Moon

Trying again. I'd love a Haruka/Michiru line, for old time's sake. They can go on an epic quest to rescue someone or retrieve some mystical item for the princess. It'd be great if this could be long-term, a little darker than the anime was...! Drop me a comment here or on my journal if interested!

[info]loomlings in [info]fandom_psls

Doctor Who / Torchwood

Lucy Saxon is anxious to speak with her husband about a matter of some importance. You see, they obviously had a miscommunication. She was under the impression that 'biologically impossible' meant that her figure was in absolutely no danger of being marred by pregnancy, while it seems that he meant something more along the lines of 'well, I suppose it could happen, but the odds would be prohibitively slim, and anyway it's been millennia since Time Lords successfully reproduced without technological assistance.' She hopes her little outburst at the prison didn't upset him too much. It was the unfortunate result of imbalanced hormones and the stress of having recently been informed of the natural effect of having unprotected intercourse with one's spouse. It wasn't the slightest bit personal. It's just unfortunate that he caught her on a night when she was feeling particularly vengeful and selfish. It happens sometimes. After all, the two of them are so much alike, the occasional face-off is to be expected! The fighting only makes the making up that much more mind-blowing.

Serious inquiries only, threading preferred, contact me for more details or to throw in your own ideas. I'm also amenable to a related storyline with Jack Harkness or the Doctor, since Lucy's allies are few and far between.

Found the perfect one! XD

May 2024



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