June 4th, 2010

[info]loveisa in [info]fandom_psls

weetzie, my secret agent lover man, fab, claire and violet. looking for magical hipster voices to come play at [info]loveisa. come get your holds in!

[info]ecousland in [info]fandom_psls

Anyone interested in a Dragon Age: Origins psl? Could be a group one or even a one-on-one! I am down for anything. Even have a few ideas, if anyone would be interested in hearing them! If this goes through a group, I'll make us a mod journal and comm journal. So we can do stuff there! Thank you!

[info]revolve in [info]fandom_psls

After getting Alice in Wonderland I'm itching for an Alice/Stayne or Alice/Hatter line, or both! I would play Alice.

Also, I would love a couple Vampire Diaries lines. I'd love a Bonnie/Damon line based on the books or an Elena/Damon line based on the show.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]fandom_psls

I'm still looking for a Connor to my Faith!

Idea under the cut )

I'd also give my right arm to play Elena Gilbert. Book verse or show verse, it matters not to me. I am well versed in both universes. Although I think I would prefer a Damon/Elena line from the book. Anybody?

[info]ex_rorywilli152 in [info]fandom_psls

So I would really love some sort of line with either an 11 (the completely farfetched ship that tugs at my heartstrings :x), an Amy or both! I've never actually played Rory before, but I love him to bits and want to give it a try.

[info]nothingyouare in [info]fandom_psls

Can any of my kids find a home?
Somebody stop me from creating my own game!

[info]theanahita in [info]fandom_psls

I'm looking for several angel storylines with this woman. She is the angel who keeps the earth fruitful and fertile; she is also the protector of those who care for nature. I'm looking for something apocalyptic, perhaps similar to the film Legion (though you do not have to have seen the film as it's a pretty straight forward plot: an angel breaks away from the ranks of heaven in order to save mankind from the wrath of the angels).

My angel knowledge is not particularly extensive, but I found this link containing information on various angels. The characters are basically blank canvas', so you can go with whatever for your characterisation. I'm looking for either a Michael or any of the High Ranking Angels. This line would (hopefully) be long-term, over threads and in third person. My posts tend to be on the longer side, but I am by no means asking for essays! All I ask is that there are no one-liners and that you're willing to add detail :] I am more than happy to give samples and more information about Anahita to anyone interested.

Anyway, I would love to brainstorm any ideas! You can either leave a comment here or in the journal (click!).

[info]thisisthestart in [info]fandom_psls

Would anyone be interested in basing a storyline off the Prince of Persia movie? I'm looking for someone to play Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan and I'd like to play a male character as a stand in for Tamina. I have a character I'd like to play in mind.

This would obviously be slashy and a threading line.

May 2024



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