---☼ Useful Fandom Tools ☼---
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About fandom_how_to
Hopefully we'll have useful information for fanfic and original writers in this comm :)

August 2008
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---☼ comm maintainer's account ☼--- [userpic]

Hello and welcome :)
This is a first post to fandom_how_to and I would appreciate any advice on this one. Especially from techy people. I would like to hear from writers who had to solve problems with their journals and how they did it. Anyone who writes fanfiction and/or originals is welcome to participate. The point is to help each other, I suppose :) Any advice on what we need to include in this comm would be greatly appreciated because I am such a nOOb *slaps self* But seriously, concrit is desired and just dropping by to say "hello" is great.

Introduce yourself and pimp your journals and comms in comments to this post :)



Hiya--I'm [info]elmyraemilie and I write fanfic, participate in fandom, do fests and challenges, etc. But when it comes to tech stuff, I'm pretty much on the "fail" end of the spectrum. I'm looking for all the help I can get to make my journal and asylum slicker and easier to use, and prettier, too.

Welcome! I am pleased to see another ex LJer at IJ :) *hugs*