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a taste of something better [Jan. 3rd, 2013|09:58 am]
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Teenage angst and age-crossing kissyfaces, you have been warned. )
link2 toppled|checkmate

Concubine Consultation. [Jan. 3rd, 2013|09:19 am]
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With the gentle breeze that swept through the precious petals of Aros' pleasure gardens, came the heady, licentious scents of jasmine and honeysuckle, mead and musk, all in perfect ratio to bring to mind the phantom touches of a faded concubine. It was an intoxicating aroma, and it lulled in many with its svelte slithering. )
link1 toppled|checkmate

one good turn [Jan. 2nd, 2013|08:37 pm]
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The effects of the poison were immediate and building rapidly. )
link34 toppled|checkmate

two arosians, one snake [Dec. 31st, 2012|11:03 pm]

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[[ roughly a week prior to poison and knives ]]

Essam was hungover.

It smelled of dew in his shabby little dwelling, the closest thing he had to a roof over his head. It was better than laying in the streets night after night, but sometimes, he missed the spontaneity of pitching tents in the desert. )
link1 toppled|checkmate

drift. [Dec. 26th, 2012|12:34 pm]

Moonlight cast accusation midnight deep across gently rolling water, burning overbright against substructure shadows, melting away pretense to scald bare all truth and whispers…

Oh, how he could feel it.

Heart tangled in a shattered throat, he contorted away from the light, obscured and loathing in the shadows under the bridge. In the stench of it. )

link3 toppled|checkmate

We live! [Dec. 23rd, 2012|12:57 pm]
...but, we're sort of asleep! As it seems our mods and some of our more productive players are busy for the holidays, we're delaying business-as-usual until January 3rd. Until then, do not worry about activity checks or commenting on scenes.

However, you can still play all you'd like! We encourage you to be self starters and overacheivers while your mods are busy being holiday failboats!

On the 3rd, we'll begin keeping tabs once more, and hopefully get prompts and various meta events back up off the ground. Again, this does not mean,"Wait until the 3rd!". Scenes done until then will still count for next activity and then some -- plus, you will get a gold star.

Characters yours have plot with not around? Start new plot! Character stuck? Do flashbacks and solos! Honestly, we'd like to get this game somewhat self sustainable, so that it flourishes even if us mods have nasty coinciding busy streaks. For those of you who have been scening, THANK YOU! For those of you who haven't, believe us, we understand!

Now, back into the abyss!

come away little lass, come away to the water. [Dec. 20th, 2012|12:43 am]

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[ backdated to 14 years ago ]

Long had the cold, icy chill of Olsirfell become familiar to Asya, something she'd reveled in with every step into the frost. She was a child born of the ice, and this was her sanctuary. Her frozen haven. No complaints spilled from her lips as she shied away from the home that wasn't home, this small, nondescript house that held no place in her heart and only served as an occasional vacation house away from her town. This city wasn't hers. These lands weren't hers.

She breathed the wind nonetheless. )

link2 toppled|checkmate

Distinctive Faces Among the Strangers [Dec. 19th, 2012|04:34 pm]

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"Y' see the way these lasses dress, 'n i's no wonder D'Iacrit's become sworn t' protect modesty, amon'st otha thin's."

The chatter was noisy but it suited the crisp, clean air of the market. People gossiped, entertainers spun stories, and others went about their business as living shadows. Nothing was extraordinary in this town it seemed, at least when people were looking too hard. Songs played and maidens sang, music providing background noise to the mundane. Essam wasn't playing music for today, instead looking for something small to last him for the remainder of the day. )
link2 toppled|checkmate

in the middle of two rights and no wrongs [Dec. 19th, 2012|02:00 am]

A letter and a conundrum )
link2 toppled|checkmate

[Dec. 11th, 2012|04:05 am]

C'est des conneries! )
link6 toppled|checkmate

Distributed via Courier: [Dec. 10th, 2012|12:00 pm]


A collection of letters. )
link4 toppled|checkmate

we are the dead of night. [Dec. 1st, 2012|02:37 pm]

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[ backdated to a few weeks ago ]

Chilled was the night air, bordering upon what could be considered cold, a strange phenomenon for a city whose climate was so temperate. Yet it was not so chilled that one could see their breath, as one could easily do in Olsirfell, no matter the time of day.

Blanca cast aside her painful memories of Olsirfell and braved the night with her head high, a shaded hood pulled over braided hair. )

link4 toppled|checkmate

[Nov. 30th, 2012|03:31 pm]
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Please welcome our new characters!

Odilon Morot
        Gravedigger | Ratcatcher
        [ Liz|| pneumacia ]

The Executioner
    [ Mal || demaramargo ]

Rothais Albray
        The Lost Boy
        [ Hiiro || hiiro.na ]

The player database has finally been adequately updated as well. Should you find any error, please let nana [masqueaffliction] know.

link5 toppled|checkmate

sanguine demons in vain [Nov. 28th, 2012|10:02 pm]
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Ebony marks on oblivion skin narrated abstractions bestowed by the blades of brothers and the lash of poisonous branches, of deadly vipers. He'd bled into his surface tattoos and scars -- each their own mark in history and each their own story to tell -- scars and tattoos, tears and fractures and deformities that gave him away as a foreigner... )
link3 toppled|checkmate

Poison and Knives [Nov. 28th, 2012|01:36 pm]

Making poison was an easy accident. )
link12 toppled|checkmate

Family, Friends, and Frustration [Nov. 27th, 2012|03:05 pm]


Sometimes he drank.

It’s a bad habit, one that he would do well to stop, but, well…he just can’t seem to do so. It’s better than the opium that used to consume him (no one just consumes opium, he learned- it consumes you) and at least he doesn’t wake up craving more.

But it’s a bad habit all the same, because, well.

Drunken weaving is more or less a pointless endeavor. )
link4 toppled|checkmate

family secrets. [Nov. 26th, 2012|03:08 pm]

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The unceremonious hearkening of urgencies hushed in the glow of candlelight had stirred in Claude an insurmountable shudder, one that raced up and down his spine demanding immediate attention.

He'd come, called upon by a vicar who insisted -- with spooked eyes and paled flesh -- the matter was urgent, and with terse steps shooting sharp echoes down the damp hallways of the Cathedral vaults, they ascended to the light -- to the land of men and their imagined monsters, to the city of sin and strays that found solace in their sanctioned home.

Of all manner of beasts or burdens that could have come calling, Claude had not expected the particular man who graced the doorsteps. As they approached -- the vicar with a sense of urgency, Claude with a pronounced irritation -- the High Priest's footfalls slowed, faltered for a moment as two shadows came clearly into view:

His uncle, and a man he'd assumed had been dead. )
link6 toppled|checkmate

Happy Thanksgiving! [Nov. 24th, 2012|09:38 am]
Hoping you all had a lovely Thanksgiving, and possibly a crazy Black Friday! I know a lot of you have scenes in progress, yay! I understand how crazy things can get around the holidays. I myself had a lot of cooking to do and a lot of 'itis to sleep off. But now things should be getting back to normal...until Christmas at least.

This post's questions:

1. Group chat on Monday or Wednesday? Or neither?

2. Scenes currently in progress?

3. Best Thanksgiving dinner dish you had this year?

4. Extent of your postprandial somnolence? I slept from roughly 8pm to 1:30pm, waking up a few times for bathroom/hydration/light snacking. I'd say I slept a minimum of 15 hours.
link17 toppled|checkmate

Nigredo. [Nov. 20th, 2012|01:12 pm]


[Warning: Very heavy, kinda long, nsfw.]

A Solar Eclipse In Five Movements. )
link13 toppled|checkmate

A Story Never Told [Nov. 20th, 2012|08:38 am]

Every night. )
link6 toppled|checkmate

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