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Fourteen [Apr. 21st, 2013|06:08 pm]
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Don't let it unnerve you. )
link7 toppled|checkmate

angry little boys [Apr. 16th, 2013|12:54 am]
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[[ shortly after ]]
Having grown up on tales (be they true or otherwise) of pirates, Ghost’s very own boatswain had brought with him onto the ship all those years ago every expectation imaginable. Within a week, it’d become all too evident that sometimes, tales were just tales. )

in the middle of two rights and no wrongs [Dec. 19th, 2012|02:00 am]

A letter and a conundrum )
link2 toppled|checkmate

sanguine demons in vain [Nov. 28th, 2012|10:02 pm]
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Ebony marks on oblivion skin narrated abstractions bestowed by the blades of brothers and the lash of poisonous branches, of deadly vipers. He'd bled into his surface tattoos and scars -- each their own mark in history and each their own story to tell -- scars and tattoos, tears and fractures and deformities that gave him away as a foreigner... )
link3 toppled|checkmate

loose tongues. [Nov. 14th, 2012|07:31 pm]
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[ set two days after this, JFC IT'S LATE ]

Carlos sipped his brandy, sitting in a corner away from the crowd. He generally drank by himself unless he was with Jack, preferring to isolate himself should he start dwelling on the past. It was a cold night and he had no desire to crawl into bed, the cold making him restless. It probably had to do with childhood and helping the family prepare should winter take food, amongst other things.

His snifter was low, apparent in the way he idly swirled his glass, the glass barely changing from clear to caramel. He only offered a look to the barmaids, wondering who would come by. )

link3 toppled|checkmate

sleepless nerves [Nov. 6th, 2012|12:56 am]
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Carlos couldn't remember the last time he was in these hallowed halls. )
link2 toppled|checkmate

dreamscape [Nov. 1st, 2012|01:46 am]

[[ several nights prior to this ]]

I can smell the salt water in your blood. )
link12 toppled|checkmate

shark bite [Oct. 31st, 2012|09:56 am]
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"Doc, you really gotta consider gettin' out more. We don't bite or anythin'."

I'm sure you don't, I'm just shy. )
link4 toppled|checkmate

so much noise [Oct. 23rd, 2012|09:03 pm]
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Rana writhed in her chamber, in the nest of bedding she slept in, surrounded by her candles and bones. What was inside her had scraped its way out her throat, past her teeth and lips, leaving her a feverish animal enraged with its own weakness. Cornered by default.

The Tidecaller had not called the medic -- it had been her guard who had mutely informed Carlos of the urgency, all deft pantomime and urgency. The illness had effaced her of her sense, or what sense she had left after what the tide had taken. )
link8 toppled|checkmate

shark. [Oct. 14th, 2012|04:39 pm]
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"Even in the deepest of winters, the Frozen River does not freeze entirely. )
link1 toppled|checkmate

five years. [Oct. 14th, 2012|07:26 am]
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Carlos pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't anticipate being as long as he was, and apparently there was commotion of a plausible venture out east. He snorted; he just came back from Emberlay. Surely people noticed that the medic, of all people, was missing from the crew. He hoped otherwise.

He opened the door, finding a rather unsettling surprise to see his chair was kicked over. His papers were messed up as well, scattered all over the floor. Well, someone was pissed. )

link4 toppled|checkmate

halves and wholes [Oct. 12th, 2012|10:27 pm]

Two half-truths make a whole one, right? )
link11 toppled|checkmate

the art of being an idiot. [Oct. 12th, 2012|11:07 pm]
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five years ago.

Carlos was an impressive one.

He had been aboard Ghost for at least several months. He had been recruited through the Akslepain, scouted to be a medic for a traveling ship. He had sat on the offer, wanting to talk to his expectant wife and two children at the time, after they had opened their marriage for their sake. It scared him, to be so far from home, to be so close to where his father was. But nothing ventured, nothing gained, as the saying went. )

link8 toppled|checkmate

let him die. [Oct. 7th, 2012|12:18 pm]

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Carlos inhaled and exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

As beautiful as the building and architecture was, his tendency to berate himself unnecessarily clouded his vision. He cursed himself for being an easily-turned around person, somewhat lamenting the fact he never properly explored the city. He just had no interest to. As superstitious as he was, he hadn't the faintest idea how to get to the Conservatory; that pretty much proved he was as much of a tourist as a citizen.

It was a beautiful temple. It was ornate, a miracle, crafted by or for a God. It moved him almost, if his fear of the sea were easily quelled. There was a certain peace to everything here, with an undercurrent of ferocity as unforgiving as the summer sun.

What is this place... )
link9 toppled|checkmate

how do you swallow so much sleep [Oct. 6th, 2012|12:10 am]

Carlos' dreams were a montage of old memories with rejected dialogue.

He was at his father's ceremony, watching the tidebearers offer the carcass to the vultures.

Oh, how he wanted the vultures to consume the bones and marrow. His father couldn't haunt him if he had no bones to return to. )
link5 toppled|checkmate

cat and mouse [Oct. 5th, 2012|01:17 am]
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Belorien was a wonderful city, on a superficial level. There was people, culture, and variety. It was a mixing pot of ethnicities and experiences, amongst other things. To a man like Carlos? There were too many people, too many distractions, and all he wanted to do was leave after going by the Guild, but he knew better than to bitch and moan at his captain and took a more productive route: replenishing supplies.

He had a lot to carry at the end of his excursion. He had considered investing in a bag of some sort but that would've been a huge blow to his masculinity, if it existed. So, he chose to precariously juggle his load instead. He did it with live humans growing up, the second of six, so he could do it with rather expensive medical supplies.

The cobblestones were grey. It was midday but the heavy, dark rain clouds ]suggested it was time for a summer shower. Joy. And Carlos had no coat or means of keeping dry. He'd just have to hot foot it-


The sound of thunder gave him an extremely small window of opportunity. )
link8 toppled|checkmate

la nube negra. [Oct. 1st, 2012|01:01 am]
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Honey, I'm home. )
link2 toppled|checkmate

[ ANNOUNCE ] [Sep. 14th, 2012|04:07 pm]
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The community is officially open. Please excuse the dust-- we will count this as a soft opening. The community does not yet have a layout and we are still receiving applications on a daily basis. Sometime next week, we'll do an official announcement of all characters. But for now, proceed as normal and happy posting!

Please note! For the community we would appreciate it if you would tag your posts with the first names of the characters involved and also place a warning before your cut if there is smut afoot.

Thanks guys!

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