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ghosts [Mar. 15th, 2013|06:04 pm]

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[[*since i'm technically still at work the event will be posted later tonight ><"

He fell down a fetid rabbit hole that smelled of death and the damp of surrounding earth -- of funerary beds and sickly-sweet lilies that had rotted away with the memories of the long-forgot. The Prince avoided this place -- at all costs, with little difficulty -- but at the behest of his brother’s silence, at the urging of his Uncle’s strange and stilted visit, he made his way downdowndown, deep into the darkness that had engulfed his brother, his cousin -- one and the other until it had beckoned him in turn, promising the souls of family who had once been fearless, kind --

once been more than monsters. )

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family secrets. [Nov. 26th, 2012|03:08 pm]

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The unceremonious hearkening of urgencies hushed in the glow of candlelight had stirred in Claude an insurmountable shudder, one that raced up and down his spine demanding immediate attention.

He'd come, called upon by a vicar who insisted -- with spooked eyes and paled flesh -- the matter was urgent, and with terse steps shooting sharp echoes down the damp hallways of the Cathedral vaults, they ascended to the light -- to the land of men and their imagined monsters, to the city of sin and strays that found solace in their sanctioned home.

Of all manner of beasts or burdens that could have come calling, Claude had not expected the particular man who graced the doorsteps. As they approached -- the vicar with a sense of urgency, Claude with a pronounced irritation -- the High Priest's footfalls slowed, faltered for a moment as two shadows came clearly into view:

His uncle, and a man he'd assumed had been dead. )
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[Nov. 11th, 2012|12:57 am]
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Please welcome our new characters!


Jesame Hannore
        The Abandoner
        [ Heather || heronfem ]

Dorian Eland
    The Repentant
    [ Casey || hollowworded ]

A rumor post and other mod information shall be posted tomorrow as well! And as a reminder...work on your prompts! If scheduling with your partner is difficult, please try scening via email.
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