June 9th, 2010

[info]aldiara in [info]eskimo_kiss

Something Happens... and Things Will Really Change This Time

Sad times for inappropriate shipping: AWZ's very own sparkly Dr. Oliver (and the loveliest actor who ever failed at cryptic) is leaving Show.

Norman Kalle wants to spend more time with his girlfriend (well, we suppose that's allowed, Norman, I mean, if you must be tacky and insist on having, like, a LIFE) and seek out new acting challenges. His last day of shooting is in mid-July, and like Nina Bott, he'll last appear on AWZ's screens in mid-September. In typical, endearing Norman fashion, he fails at being coy about the fact that Celine and Oliver leave at the same time: "Céline and Oliver are good friends in the show. They take turns leaning on each other's shoulders. And like it's in that song, 'touched you a thousand times, nothing happened a thousand times' - who knows what it'll be like the thousand and first time."

Way to crunch down on the new sparkly canon Marian/Oliver with the dullest ship that never sailed, Show.