April 21st, 2010

[info]geekchick1013 in [info]eskimo_kiss

Daily Episode Discussions? (ep 911)

I'd like to propose a daily post for discussion of the episodes outside of YouTube and it's EVIL COMMENT FORMATTING OF EVIL. If everyone's amenable to the idea, I'd be happy to put up a post every day for people to comment all over. Or maybe we can do a rota or something, take turns being The Instigator. My only respectful request would be to keep these posts and their comments spoiler-free so those of us who are trying to remain oblivious unspoilt can squee and flail and sob and drink lots of vodka+Maximum munch popcorn safely. Danke!

Ok, so! How about that episode 911, huh? Lots of things happening, and people talking, and stuff! (Yeah, ok, I won't be able to watch it 'til I get home from work in about 6 hours *grumble*) Aaaaaand, DISCUSS!

(Also, I'm rubbish at tags, how does one add them from an existing list or request new ones or whatever? o.O)

ETA: OH HAI tag! Thanks, Mysterious-And-On-The-Ball Moderator! *mwah!*

[info]lilithilien in [info]eskimo_kiss

Episode discussions

The subject of discussion posts for AWZ episodes has come up, which is one of the main reasons we embraced this platform -- the hordes like to talk, yes we do!

We want everybody to feel welcome jumping in and posting their thoughts on episodes, but we don't want to abandon discussions on our Youtube home. It's going to be a balance, and we may have to make adjustments down the line, but at least for now, we thought we'd set up some guidelines.

1. Anyone can start a discussion post -- and indeed, everyone is encouraged to! The only thing we ask is that you kick it off with something substantive: your observations, comparisons/parallels you see, conclusions you've drawn, questions unanswered, etc. We really want this to go beyond what YT allows. And it's a lot more engaging to get some thoughts on, for instance, why Ben's on your shitlist than just "Ben sucks, discuss" or a more general undefined episode masterpost.

And of course there's more... )

[info]aldiara in [info]eskimo_kiss


So, just to forestall some possible heart attacks tomorrow...

Didn't hear it from me or nothing.