April 19th, 2010

[info]lilithilien in [info]eskimo_kiss

A Massive Missive on Fandom Foibles

CRAZYSKATES! We always knew the Eskimos were an insanely talented bunch, but you're wowing us even more than we expected. Every day, fabulous new shinies are showing up -- new fics, new vids, new icons and illustrations! You're making it hard to keep up and I LOVE IT!! (Honestly, you don't know how much I love it!! When I got addicted to AWZ there was exactly ONE fic in English. ONE. And a lot of vids that did nothing more than compile kisses/sex scenes. Everything was truly DIY, which has its own rewards, but can be frustrating too. This little fandom's grown up and I'm so proud of it!)

From reading the friending meme and your posts in IJ, it seems like a lot of you are entering fandom for the first time. That's brilliant! It can be the most amazing place, where you'll make connections and find kindred spirits and form some of the richest friendships you can imagine. At the same time, it can be daunting when you start out. We thought that it might be useful to share some of the things that we've muddled through over the years. Nobody says you've got to do things like this -- one of the beautiful things about fandom is that it's wildly diverse -- but following some simple guidelines might help your works reach a wider audience.

Hop your plot bunnies over here... )

Anything else anybody wants to add? Anybody care to start the rant against "the slender blond skater" or "said the Gryffindor to the Slytherin"? Bueller? Bueller?