Posts Tagged: 'series:+vocaloid'


No Event // Open!

[Walking around Erato was a new person, a blond teenager sucking a lollipop while watching around. He didn't seem surprised or concerned with this new situation, in fact he was pretty calm about it. And eager to see what he could find around here... Especially what kind of women he would find here.

So, anybody wants to try his spice?]

((OOC: this is Arwen, previous mun of the Len Kagamine from Marina Asylum, so if anybody wants to confuse him with him, it's alright! But this is a completely different Len, from the song Spice! and he looks older than the one from the Servant of Evil series. Have fun!!))

[Non-Event | Very Open]

[Ah. Here again.

She doesn't even know how to feel about this anymore. She is no longer scared of Naoya, not entirely, as he has shown that he will allow her to overpower him. She pretty much expects to meet him again, as she has not seen Tieria again and no one else has found her here (she does not remember her one other encounter, as though her times here all exist on different timelines).

So. She pulls her key out of the pocket of her school uniform (why her school uniform? This place has a strange sense of humour) and opens the room indicated on the tag, wondering what she will find. Perhaps someone new. Perhaps Naoya again. Secretly, she hopes it will not be him, but she doesn't let her hopes get too high.]

((Hoping to find someone to keep her company while Naoya is away~. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?))

[Non-Event | Closed]

[What the hell was this place?...

Adrianna had never seen this part of Marina at all. She had made sure to have crossed every corner of it.

Waking up in an unknown place, with a key in hand, and even worse... some kind of sensation, indescribable... something she had never felt before.

She opened the door, looking outside the room and walking through the hallway.

Completely unsure of what kind of place it was or how many people she would find.]



[Mini-Event Naughty Mistletoe]

AH HA! [You might hear subtle hints of things exploding in the background—small things! It's really more like popping. Nothing at all to concern yourself with!]

Now that the prototype is done, I'd like to—what was that phrasing again? Ah yes!—wish you all a Merry Christmas. My gifts for everyone should be making their way around.

((OOC: Mistletoe-kun is all about bringing people together—mostly their bodies. When one of the delightful little inventions finds two (or more) people together it puts up an invisible barrier around them. You might not even notice it at first unless you see the plant dangling from the hovering, silver ball above you. But you might need a little motivation so the barrier will be shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. Snuggle up! Take off your clothes and stay awhile! If you don't want to get squished—and we hope you don't—you'll need to get physical. Once you get started the barrier will get a little bigger to give you room to work, but it won't fade away until you're good and done~ Don't worry, the robot will prompt you if you're confused. Feel free to post here and get spammed with loving!))



[Event, open]

[Being able to separate in this place is so very nice. Though it is somewhat annoying when Lind's little brothers have used it to escape from him for the moment. He'd already noticed a...compulsion, with both of them to just obey. And now separated...

It's tempting. Very tempting.

Thankfully, even separated the three are somewhat connected, so it doesn't take him long to track down one of the other two. And lo and behold, it's Akito]

Thar be something of self-cest behind this cut, if you take Lind and Akito to be the same person )




[The corridor is dark. Pitch black in fact, but for the thin bands of light that creep beneath a few closed doors. Others are left open and through the doorways he can see only vague shadows, leading him to think twice or more before turning his back. The atmosphere is by design, certainly, his opponent utilizing every advantage possible.]

[It's not unwelcome, however. Conrad is more than eager to test his skills.]

[Back against the wall, he ensures that his steps are silent, sacrificing speed for stealth. Everything so far made it seem a simple exercise: locating his opponent and defeating him by means other than sight, but Conrad isn't fooled. Traps await him, no doubt, and trickery. Fairness was never part of the rules.]

[His fingers slide along crown molding until they reach a corner. There he stops, listening, balanced to spring in any direction.]

[Training, after all, is never over.]

((OOC: Somewhat atypical post, but yeah. Anyone wanting to have a pre-porn hunt 'n' fight is more than welcome to tag!))


[Ever since he woke up this morning, Len had felt weird, like he wasn't alone. There was a strange voice in his head, urging him to do things he wouldn't do...]

You know you want to

...Leave me alone...

You know everything about her... Could make a rebellion and take her place, have everything you ever wanted... Stop being a servant.

I won't hurt Rin. And I don't regret becoming her servant, I'm with her now.

Do you really think she's happy to have found you? She only cares about you because you're useful. You've proven that when you told her to escape. She ran, didn't look back. Rin never cared about you, Len.

Shut up... I won't betray her...

[Len keeps walking alone, with the only company of a voice that only he can hear...]




[He's slowly coming around, waking up and feeling kinda drowsy. Akito can't remember for the life of him what he was doing only a moment ago, but once he's awake he immediately recognises this place and squeaks a little bit. Oh dear. He's in one of the rooms too, lying on the bed...oh dear.

His mind is still waking up, so he just now realises that his shirt and jacket are currently missing. The air is a litle cold on his skin, but he can ignore that. At least he still has his jeans...though his shoes are gone too.

THEN he registers the cold on his wrists, looking up in alarm to see the heavy handcuffs tied around his wrists, keeping them locked together and with the use of a short chain, tying him to the bed. Looking around he can see other bits of rope on the floor.

Akito shivers a little, tugging at the cuffs. He's well and truly caught here, curling up a little bit and sighing. There's nothing he can do but wait to see if someone shows up...]

((Akito/Agito Wanijima from Marina, open to anything~))

[No Subject]

[What a lovely day today is! Okay, really, it isn't, but for some reason Grell feels positively fantastic. Enough so where he can lie down in what he imagines is a bed of flowers, but instead an elaborate rug, and close his eyes. Red hair drapes all around him, acting as a blanket, covering most of his face. Being so comfortable, the rug was lined with thick plush fibers that caressed the skin in a perfect way, this shinigami was beginning to doze off. The only problem is his version of taking a nap may appear dead and lifeless to another. As he does so his breathing stops, body freezes, every appearance on the outside telling those around him that his life is no more. Heart ceased beating. Conscious gone, life drained, but in reality his existence is still there. And it only takes a few words to wake him. Hopefully they will be kind, if not, the individual to wake him will meet themselves with a very unpleasant shinigami.]