Posts Tagged: 'content:+slash'



[Non-event | Open]

[Diva won't be happy about this. Conrad doesn't care. He remembers what it's like now, being what he was. He can't afford to lose that -- he won't.]

[That's why he's here, knocking patiently on the door despite the sense of urgency that's been building for days. Crossing this threshold may not be his salvation, but it's more than he's had in months.]



[Event || Open, Closed]

[Different. Always different. This time when Axel wakes he's not as quick to react to what's happening around him. In fact, when he does awake, laying on his side on the tiled floor, all he does is stare unblinkingly with glazed over eyes at the wall in front of him. Eventually, though, his body senses the growing, intense heat around him and he slowly starts to peel away from the ground. It's a temperature he's accustomed too, really--where he's comfortable being in--but for some reason it's making him feel unusually...drowsy. Loose.


Eyes half lidded and feeling as if his muscles can't hold himself up for much longer, he flops back down on the floor. Then, a quiet, unsure sound,]


Closed )

((OOC: the first part is OPEN and includes a very rare spectacle: SUBMISSIVE AXEL! Feel free to take advantage of this fine opportunity. The second half is closed to [info]shellsnicecream and ALSO includes a rare: ROMANTIC AXEL. What the hell am I doing. XD))

[ Event || Semi - Open ]

[ This is certainly not high on his list of things he likes to wake up to.

For starters, being bounced back and forth constantly leaves no surprise as to where he is, since that apparently can change. It's the situation, really. Now he's pretty used to being in dresses by now. Be it through Milly's schemes or because he had made a little promise concerning his siblings back before Latimir had been drowned in snow... Needless to say while he dislikes being put in one, it's not the worst experience he's ever had. Yet this time he's in one of these. All accessory items included. Even a wig and tiara. What's worse is that he seems to be in a tough spot. Unable to move.


That would be because he's currently playing the most cliched scenario ever. The one with the princess tied at the stake, in the middle of some valley. He might not know the background story on how he got there, but it's pretty evident what's going to be arriving soon. That's the reason he's currently wiggling around, attempting to loosen the ropes in order to get free. A shadow passing overhead makes him look up. Definitely shouldn't have thought about it, attempting to get his bearings.

It's really too late now. Since the creature has now shown face! ]



[event || open]

[Asleep as usual though not in a bedroom this time. He's perfectly content lounging about on a couch as much as a bed...or a table. Or the floor. Anyway, tired as ever, Axel has his arms crossed over his chest, leather clad legs stretched long on the cushions, and is making little to no noise in his sleep. Completely unbeknownst to him somewhere along the lines one of those sneaky collars wrapped around his neck and now rests still and waiting against his collarbone.

It will take a lot to wake this one up.]



[Non Event | Open if you wanna]

[The halls here were always the same, and the rooms equally so. It wasn't enough to call it tiresome, different encounters being what they were, but enough to make Conrad wish he'd find something different behind the door to room 142, the number of the key he currently held.]

[With an inward sigh, he inserts the key and slides the door open, hoping for the best.]

((OOC: for someone specific but if you want to, please tag! Looking for anything not-totally vanilla plz, but almost ANYTHING else is fair game~))



[non-event (kinda?) || mostly closed]

Ngh. [He's currently in a bathroom making all sorts of disgruntled noises. Amongst them, however, you'll hear the sound of clicking heels against linoleum and fabric being ruffled, smoothed, and pulled at by uneasy hands. As to why? Well. When Axel opens the door you'll see why--he's been asked ever-so nicely to wear this little number complete with black rimmed glasses and, yes, the thigh high boots. He opens the door carefully so as not to draw attention to himself, looks left and right down the hallway, and clicks off down the rows of rooms toward his intended destination.

Oh, you will pay for this one way or another, kid.

Axel finally reaches the door he'd been looking for and ends up rapping on it with his knuckle. He might not be entirely fond of it, but, hey, secretary!Axel. How often you gonna see that?]

[EVENT] [Open]

[ Has worn metal collars before, and not sure he should be any less wary about it. Trailing his fingers over the band, he looks for a seam, a latch, anything that will let him out of it, and finds none.

And yet, he's not one to hide in his room to avoid the consequences of it. So, he's been acting as usual; jogging through the halls -- the only real exercise routine he's been able to find satisfaction in. ]



[Mini-Event Naughty Mistletoe]

AH HA! [You might hear subtle hints of things exploding in the background—small things! It's really more like popping. Nothing at all to concern yourself with!]

Now that the prototype is done, I'd like to—what was that phrasing again? Ah yes!—wish you all a Merry Christmas. My gifts for everyone should be making their way around.

((OOC: Mistletoe-kun is all about bringing people together—mostly their bodies. When one of the delightful little inventions finds two (or more) people together it puts up an invisible barrier around them. You might not even notice it at first unless you see the plant dangling from the hovering, silver ball above you. But you might need a little motivation so the barrier will be shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. Snuggle up! Take off your clothes and stay awhile! If you don't want to get squished—and we hope you don't—you'll need to get physical. Once you get started the barrier will get a little bigger to give you room to work, but it won't fade away until you're good and done~ Don't worry, the robot will prompt you if you're confused. Feel free to post here and get spammed with loving!))




[ he's walking down the hallway by tracing one fingertip over the wall beside him. it lets him move relatively quickly, and he pauses at each dip, checking to see whether it's a door or another hallway. he isn't precisely looking for a way out -- like he told Kamui, he doesn't really believe in trying to find his way out of this place.

but he is looking for -- sort of a place to settle down and relax. maybe a nice, open room with a nice, wide bed.

ahh -- like this one.

Suzaku is currently leaning back on the bed, his head tipped back, his eyes lidded. ]

((ooc: intended for a specific person, but if you wanna ♥))


[ Funny that the inescapable building had roof access. But Suzaku had seen the snow falling from one of the windows in the little store on the ground floor, and since he couldn't get out to see it, he tried going up.

The reward, though, was amazing. The expanse of the roof was covered in pure white, like he'd only heard about from people who'd been to Hokkaido, or northern parts of the EU. He'd never seen snow like this. He watched his breath cloud on the air and then laughed. He didn't even think to be cold; just stuck out his tongue, looking ridiculous (no doubt) in his Zero clothes, and tried to catch a snowflake as it fell. ]

((ooc: discedo-zaku (post series in canon) looking for someone in particular, but anyone's welcome. :) ))



[Event] [Open]


[For all he knew, he had just found himself in an unknown building, with no memory of how he had gotten there.]

What's going on..? Where am I?

[He's really confused, but for some reason he feels perfectly alright. So he walks down a hall, wandering and not sure of what to do.]


[It's night in Erato and the sound of irregular boot steps can be heard darting over plush carpet and lacquered hardwood floors. One might even see the flash of a worn red leather cape in the corner of their eye, or smell the faint trace of rum, gunpowder and sea salt on the air for a lingering second. They may even exotic parrot feathers laying on the floor and God only knows where that came from.]

[Tonight, the Legendary Pirate Stampede flees from his would-be captors, a wicked grin on his lips and the fire of a challenge in his green eyes, he dashes from alcove to alcove and room to room. A wild man of the sea would never be captured easily, even when that wild man wanted to be caught.]



[Event | Open]

[You'll find him outside in a courtyard leaned up against a tree, arms crossed, one ankle over the other, and eyes -- much more vibrant and green than before -- lowered to slits as he stares at the reflection of the moon dancing on the edge of a small pond. Occasionally he nibbles on his lower lip to test just how sharp these little suckers really are.

No doubt. They're real.

With the tip of his tongue now running along the razor edge of one canine, Axel lets out a seductive chuckle, looks up -- those eyes practically piercing through the darkness like broken glass -- and scans the area for an...unsuspecting victim.

Axel will have you know that he always gets what he wants...and won't take no for an answer.]

...Hmhm. Come out, come out wherever you are.

[OOC: Vampire!Axel will go Edward Cullen on you be pretty forward and...charming if he spots you, girls and boys, so don't be shy. Come say hello, vampire or not.]


[Out of all the extravagant places in the palace to visit, from the elaborate dining places to the hall ways decorated with paintings and statues, Roxas just has to pick the one place that’s out of fancy compared to those. Not the ones adorned with arts from the past, not the ones that are decorated with well-thought architecture, no. No, no, that’s just too much for him. Roxas only requires something simple: that being the outside. A view of whatever kind of lands the view presents to him on a balcony of sorts. Right outside of a room, is it a bedroom?, standing on the edge and leaning over several bars of iron, staring down at the sights provided to him below, eating a bar of ice cream. Of all things.. an ice cream bar. There isn’t much else going through his mind other than how delicious the treat tastes when it hits his taste buds and how splendid the sight provides him. Even if he’s not supposed to feel anything in response to it… he sure can pretend enough to make up for it.]

[Old Event'd: Welcome to the Dark Side][Not really open, but hey, if you wanna play, I won't say no]


when he awakens in this place again, it is not in the usual comfortable or pleasant situations he has begun to grow used to... )



[Event'd like whoa]

[You know, he may not look like he cares, but in reality Axel likes to keep up with hygiene. So, private or not, the guy needs his shower, which may or may not be very satisfying to any passerby right now.

You'll find him in a shower stall -- the glass is starting to fog over with steam, lights are dimmed, the water's running as hot as can be, and if you pay close enough attention you'll be able to see Axel underneath the downpour. Hands are gliding over his skin, tracing the definition of toned muscles, curvaceous hips, and anywhere else hidden by the blanket of steam. He doesn't appear too alert at the moment, and in fact he probably looks like he's on the brink of falling asleep.

Depending on who you are, Axel will either ignore you, tell you to leave...or put on a little show. Perhaps if you listen closely you'll hear the slightest hitch of breath accompanied by several drawling moans. Maybe the shower was a bad idea, but that's up for someone else to decide.]



[ Event'd ]

[ Maybe he should just be glad all that was different for him when he woke up this morning was that his uniform had disappeared and he had a slim leather collar locked around his neck. Judging from the noises he was hearing from in some rooms, or seeing scenarios in progress via open doors, the situation could have been worse. (Better? Perhaps. Though he would have been very particular.) He'd found a pair of nearly-too-tight jeans and a simple white t-shirt to explore in. There had been other choices, but those were for later; once he's gotten his bearings. It's not every day a hotel turns into a dungeon overnight. His glasses have gone missing, as well, leaving everything slightly blurry and farther off shapes indistinct.

He walks past a row of pegs in the wall; each peg has a different "toy" hanging off it. Blindfold, gag, crop, cane, feather, belt... two or three cords of rope. An involuntary shiver passes down his back as he looks it over. Murmurs. ]
... they certainly know what they're doing.


[To say that this place does strange things to people would be an understatement. This isn’t the first time the interior of the walls have seen this one, but unlike last time, something is different about it. Not the uncaring attitude about being thrown into a mansion against his knowing – similar events have happened before – but it’s something about how he feels. Feels. See, he’s not supposed to feel at all, but for some reason he does. And it’s anything but the feelings he’d hope to experience. What should be genuine joy or excitement at being able to feel anything is instead an unpleasant longing. Knowing that he really doesn’t feel, that this is all just a dream, replaces the emptiness and fills it with an even deeper, darker substance.

Knowing he isn’t even alive.. well, cruel circumstances, if you’re going to play that way, then Roxas isn’t going to lay back and admit defeat. He is alive, dream world or not, and if the only way he can feel it is to inflict the very sensation upon himself through the only means he knows how then it’s going to happen. Behind a corner, away from anyone else who might make an appearance, of course.

Flick, flick.]

Come on..

[Flick, flick. A disgruntled groan, followed by some more fumbling of whatever he managed to pull out of his pocket. A little something no teenager with rather nasty habits shouldn’t be without. Flick, flick.. Ahah! Just enough fuel ignites a spark that turns into a steady, never growing but always dangerously hot flame. The bright, vivid orange and yellow burn into his eyes, and shakily – he was finding quickly that doing this himself was harder than he had originally anticipated – it’s brought under the soft skin of his forearm. Hissing, the closer it gets the more skin singes and wants to retreat, he tries to apply it. Tries, tries, tries…]


[A long day of work calls for a long night of partying. Not sure how he ended up here but knowing the music and beat drew him to it, Roxas found himself within a dance room located in the mansion. He wasn't the only one, it seems, to be enjoying the rhythm the DJ was giving to the audience. Room dark, flashing lights from everywhere, all that can be seen of the teen is a tuft of blonde hair and mess of black and white clothes. And, of course, a body moving to the bump bump the music was producing. The throbbing vibrated into his very core, giving him a make shift heart beat. Could have been this, could have been the long day, could have been the attraction to the area, but whatever it was the young Nobody was dancing up enough to show up an amateur.]

[ooc: Um. Have Roxas from Treno. Even though it hasn't started. *_*]


[He's... not really sure where he is, to be honest. It seems familiar, though. He was here before, right? He can't really tell, since if he's right, he wasn't able to see then.

Oh. Right. This is that place where he met Akito before.

In any case, he's wandered into a room full of books, a veritable library. He has a strange urge... almost like a voice whispering in his ear, really, to slip behind some of the shelves and... but no, this isn't the kind of place for that.


He settles for browsing the shelves, trying to find something good to read.]