Posts Tagged: 'series:+air+gear'


[meme] warning for potental triggering content

The Let's Get Kinky Meme )



And we bring you another meme!

The freaks come out at night so let's have )



[Event / Open]

[Ever get that feeling that you're being followed? Because that feeling is probably screaming at you right now. Turn to look and you won't see anything at first- but then you'll definitely be pinned to the nearest wall by a certain shark.

He hasn't felt this hot and bothered for awhile, but today seems to be special for some reason. Whatever it is, Agito doesn't really care. He's found his newest little playmate, prey to play with, and that's all that really matters. This'll be fun~]



[EVENT] 022


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir mesdames et monsieurs!

This event's theme is:


Qui aime bien, châtie bien. )

Notes: First, despite the choice of community, the tags do not have to be of a sexual nature. Threading may take place in this post, or in a separate entry. Second, due to the nature of this event/meme, if you are interested in making your own post with one of these prompts, trigger warnings must be used. Normally, they are a courtesy, not a requirement. Not so in this case. Entries which do not include them will be deleted.

As always, events are optional.




[How long has it been? Conrad can't remember. It must have been several days since he's last eaten, based on the hunger. It's rare that he allows it to become this intense; he can't recall why he allowed it this time. But no matter, he'll just be about finding a way to resolve it. And, fortunately, with his thirst so overwhelming he can smell blood keenly. Already he is moving, tracking the one who would become his savior or his prey. People were scarce here, and so that one strong, rhythmic pulse among the empty rooms stood out like a beacon.]

[With luck, it will be a willing donor. Otherwise it will be a true test of his will.]

[Finally he comes to a closed door. The last barrier between himself and what he needs. Hunger supersedes manners for the most part, and so he is opening the door uninvited even as he knocks.]

((OOC: Conrad Weller from Marina with memories! Feel free to be on the other side of the door -- he will try to coax at first, but he WILL get pushy if your character resists his charms, so please don't do that unless you want rough times.))



[Event, open]

[Fruit isn't something that's usually on his plate, but there's no denying that Akito does rather love the stuff. He's kind of curled up on a giant pillow, watching everyone who goes by while still nibbling on a strawberry. He's probably had far too many of those to be good for him. The blueberries were nice too, as were the apricots. He's had a cherry or two, but he's not sure if he's as fond of them as the others.

But needless to say, he won't be at all bothered invading that personal space. Never really had an issue before, wouldn't now~ Akito's in a good mood, even with a few of the thoughts running through his head. Someone should come help with that!]



[Non-event open]

[Well wasn't this a predicament. Having one's hands handcuffed together was annoying enough, but having them additionally chained to one of the bed posts was nearly downright irritating.

Lind sighed, leaning against the wall for the moment and testing the hand cuffs yet again. He had a little slack, enough to move around but not enough to get off the bed. The other interesting thing here was the collar around his neck, a length of chain forming a lead from it.

It was annoying, but he may as well see what would come from it. It could turn out well, for all he knew~]



[Non-event, open]

[Akito has a habit of dressing up.

This time, he's spinning around in front of a mirror in one of his personal favourite cosplays: a wedding dress. He giggles as the layered skirt fans out slightly as he spins.

Door is wide open, paying no attention to whoever should walk by]


Cut for incest. )

((ooc: obvs warning for incest and threesome. if anyone dares reply to this, that is >D))



[Non Event | Open if you wanna]

[The halls here were always the same, and the rooms equally so. It wasn't enough to call it tiresome, different encounters being what they were, but enough to make Conrad wish he'd find something different behind the door to room 142, the number of the key he currently held.]

[With an inward sigh, he inserts the key and slides the door open, hoping for the best.]

((OOC: for someone specific but if you want to, please tag! Looking for anything not-totally vanilla plz, but almost ANYTHING else is fair game~))



[Event, open] Because I had to l3

[There is a rather annoyed shark leaning against the wall in the hallway. Arms are folded across his chest and he's busy glaring a hole in the far wall.

A hand lifts to the collar around his neck, fingers curling around it. It's not uncomfortable, and he's used to them to be honest, but that doesn't mean he likes it. Agito is not someone's pet, no matter who thought to the contrary]




[Event'd | Open~]

[The mysterious collar is perfectly fitted, not physically uncomfortable in the least. It is the knowledge of its presence that is most intrusive, making Conrad reach up every few moments to finger it gently. It's cool on his fingertips but the side that touches his neck is skin-warm.]

[The degree of humiliation this will cause depends on who happens by.]

((OOC: This event was so made for him! Conrad from Marina in search of a cruel master to match his new collar.))



[Non-event, closed]

[There is an Akito sitting on a bed in a random room. The teen is frowning and apparently deep in thought. There's something a little...different about him.

Body's curves are slightly different and his build has shifted just a bit. If you don't know him, it'd be impossible to tell the difference. But the subtle changes may give it away if you know him well enough.

Or rather, her]




[Non-event, closed]

[Akito's just lounging on one of the beds, humming to himself. He's a little bit bored, so he's talking out loud to Agito. The half-conversation carries out the open door a bit.

Let's hope that attracts someone~]



[Non-event, open~]

[He could move around this place quietly, but instead he decides to just walk the corridors as normal. Arms sway a little as he dances a bit, humming to himself.

No singing. No, that would spoil the surprise to anyone who saw~

Twin little fangs are hiding out of sight, just waiting. Akito's not particularly hungry -yet- so he's in a pretty good mood.

Anyone going to play with the vampire boy~?]

[Non-event ; Open]

[Kaito on a normal basis dressed... very special. That never changed. But where did this place get off on having him wake up dressed in a ridiculous cop outfit and hiding his usual clothes? The icing on the cake was getting locked out of his room.

He was growling as he walked down a hallway twirling the handcuffs in his hand, already on his third cigarette and he was still furious. Getting to the bottom of this? He was determined to.]



[Mini-Event Naughty Mistletoe]

AH HA! [You might hear subtle hints of things exploding in the background—small things! It's really more like popping. Nothing at all to concern yourself with!]

Now that the prototype is done, I'd like to—what was that phrasing again? Ah yes!—wish you all a Merry Christmas. My gifts for everyone should be making their way around.

((OOC: Mistletoe-kun is all about bringing people together—mostly their bodies. When one of the delightful little inventions finds two (or more) people together it puts up an invisible barrier around them. You might not even notice it at first unless you see the plant dangling from the hovering, silver ball above you. But you might need a little motivation so the barrier will be shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. Snuggle up! Take off your clothes and stay awhile! If you don't want to get squished—and we hope you don't—you'll need to get physical. Once you get started the barrier will get a little bigger to give you room to work, but it won't fade away until you're good and done~ Don't worry, the robot will prompt you if you're confused. Feel free to post here and get spammed with loving!))



[Non-event, open]

[Akito's wandering around the hallways humming to himself. Nothing special about him.

Except that the outfit is a little feminine and the skirt is nearly scandalously short. It sways a little as he moves, probably leaving little to the imagination. Naturally, he doesn't care~

He's not looking for anyone in particular, so feel free to stop him~]



[Non Event | Closed]

[How did this happen? Conrad can't explain it. It started simply enough, with those machines Anissina created. But how it came to this he couldn't begin to understand.]

[The wall is at his back and Kaito's imposing form in front of him, hand sliding up his shirt and kissing him hard enough to bleed. And wrong though it is, Conrad can't stop it. He's not the one in control here.]

((OOC: Continued from here, it had to be done. A sadist and a masochist, why did we not see this before?! XD))

[Event - open]

[Kaito had taken it upon himself to venture out into the dark and see if he could find anything, but so far everything suddenly just felt... different. The air felt thicker and he was starting to consider the possibility of him being lost, but-- no. He didn't do getting lost. He definitely meant to walk down this specific hallway of the asylum while muttering to himself.]

The fuck do I need another key for? This place is shit.