September 3rd, 2009




[The corridor is dark. Pitch black in fact, but for the thin bands of light that creep beneath a few closed doors. Others are left open and through the doorways he can see only vague shadows, leading him to think twice or more before turning his back. The atmosphere is by design, certainly, his opponent utilizing every advantage possible.]

[It's not unwelcome, however. Conrad is more than eager to test his skills.]

[Back against the wall, he ensures that his steps are silent, sacrificing speed for stealth. Everything so far made it seem a simple exercise: locating his opponent and defeating him by means other than sight, but Conrad isn't fooled. Traps await him, no doubt, and trickery. Fairness was never part of the rules.]

[His fingers slide along crown molding until they reach a corner. There he stops, listening, balanced to spring in any direction.]

[Training, after all, is never over.]

((OOC: Somewhat atypical post, but yeah. Anyone wanting to have a pre-porn hunt 'n' fight is more than welcome to tag!))



[ Event'd - Unseen Lover ]

[There's light snoring coming form inside the room. The door is open, and if you dare to peek you'll be greeted with the sight of a young blond boy sleeping soundly. Shifting his position, the bed sheets barely cover his body; it's easy to notice he's lacking clothes.  A faint blush adorns his cheeks, complimenting his relaxed expression. However, don't be fooled by that angelic face; wake him up and you'll face a demon. Literally.]

{ooc: KKM's Wolfram from [info]marinasylum~ anyone is welcome ;] }