September 2nd, 2009



[Event - Unseen lover]

[From the hallway someone might see an open door. And near this door this visitor would also hear whimpers and breathy moans coming from inside.]

And if you go through the door... )

(OOC: Yuuri from Kyou Kara Maou, played at [info]marinasylum. Anyone is welcome.)



[EVENT] 004


Bienvenue! Bienvenue, bon soir madames et monsieurs!

This week's theme is:

Unseen Lover

Now that all the bruises have been eased, traces of pleasure washed away, you've settled in for a long night of sweet repose.

But your dreams are much more... exciting than usual... a soft touch to your cheek wakes you, then moves on to kiss and caress.
You feel it, but cannot see anyone in the room with you... not that your pleasure lets you really mind.

Maybe you're allowed to come to completion.

Maybe someone opens your door--

And the touches vanish, leaving you bereft.

Joie de la vie~!

Please use this post for Questions/Comments. Events are optional and will be weekly, posted every Tuesday morning, EST.