June 9th, 2009

[info]heyglumface in [info]erasedooc

This is my last character, I swear.

It's Bree. This is Mark Harrod. He's an angry, arrogant man. He likes it dark and gloomy, and pretty much hates the world.

Which is why he's SUPER PISSED that Rainbow Brite has taken up residence in his brain.

You can pretty much tell when which one is writing/in charge.

Yep. SkullcrusherBree on AIM, or skullcrusherbree@gmail.com for plots. Or just ping me here. He's... loads of fun.

[info]magic_leaf in [info]erasedooc

Hello everyone!

So I'm a newbie, but I'm pretty excited about all this, so I would like to introduce Zoe Greene, a college student who just so happens to have Fauna the Green Fairy (Sleeping Beauty) inside her brain. She's a friendly person once you get to know her, and I say the more I can work with her the better, stretch my new RPG wings and all =)

Feel free to hit me up on AIM, I'm bailo16 or at dancerchick90@gmail.com. Looking forward to all the awesomeness!
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