June 5th, 2009

[info]ex_hackwrenc59 in [info]erasedooc

Hello everyone! I'm Kat and I am brand, spankin' new to the game. I'm pretty excited to be a part of this game and I'm happy to introduce you to Beatrice Flannery (PB: Kristen Bell), but you can call her Bea. She's currently sharing her brain with Gadget Hackwrench from The Rescue Ranger. Bea is pretty fast when it comes to everything (talking, thinking, moving) and tends to be a bit much for some people. And because she's always darting around, she tends to be kind of a klutz. Before her "merge" with Gadget, she wasn't the best with putting things back together, despite working at an auto shop (she's a receptionist but longs to be more), but now she can't seem to ignore the urge to fix broken things. Of course, she can fix anything, but it doesn't always work out perfectly and she still has to work out a few of the kinks. But she's really friendly and loves to meet new people and will not hesitate to strike up a conversation with anyone she comes across.

So, I'm up for any kind of plotting and interaction that you're willing to throw at me and Bea! I can usually be found on AIM at two for a tea, but if you can't reach me there, just PM me or leave a comment in her journal and we'll go from there! I can't wait to get started playing with you all!

[info]queenofdiamond in [info]erasedooc

So, uh, hi again. O_o

It's Bree, and I realized I didn't have any really villainous villains (Harley is just a bit too cutesy and well... yeah)

So, I spent some time trying to find just the right character to play, someone eeevvviillllll and.. well... a bitch. Who better than the ever lovely Emma Frost?

That's right. At least in the cartoon she never went good.

Her info is on her journal, but all that really matters is she's a telepath, a total bitch, and works in pharmaceuticals and medical supplies. She's more interested in power than anything else, and will gladly turn anyone into her pawns to achieve that. Part of her is looking to start up the Hellfire Circle Club once more, and she'll do a damn better job at heading it up than Sebastian Shaw did. So, if some of you want to be involved with that... she's probably going to be recruiting at some point... when she finds people that aren't idiots.

<3 Your plots, I would love them. =D As well as if anyone wants to play with Jessica Rabbit, Harley Quinn, Lisa Hayes, or Megara, I'm always up for that, too.